Les présentes Conditions Générales ont pour objet de définir les conditions d'utilisation du Site et les relations établies entre le Site et ses Utilisateurs.
L'utilisation ou la participation au service du site web de Indie Campers Central Services Unipessoal Lda. s'exerce, sans exception, à la condition que les utilisateurs adhèrent aux présentes Conditions Générales.
Les conditions générales sont appliquées à toute utilisation du service de la plateforme Indie Campers pour la location de véhicules. L'hôte et le voyageur (tous deux désignés comme "utilisateurs") déclarent comprendre et accepter les présentes conditions générales.
Le site propose un service d'intermédiation entre utilisateurs, où l'hôte met à disposition la location de son véhicule et où le voyageur peut réserver un véhicule disponible sur le site, en l'utilisant dans le cadre d'une location selon les conditions convenues entre les parties.
Le site agit principalement en tant qu'intermédiaire et assistant des utilisateurs, lorsqu'il est nécessaire de valider des éléments et des documents afin de faire de la publicité pour le véhicule ou de procéder à une location. Les utilisateurs doivent respecter les devoirs et obligations assumés lors de la célébration de la transaction.
L'hôte est seul responsable de leurs annonces et services. En effectuant une réservation, les voyageurs signent un contrat directement avec l'hôte et non pas avec Indie Campers qui n’est pas partie contractante au contrat de location ou n'y participent pas de quelque manière qu’il soit.
Indie Campers demande aux Utilisateurs de lire attentivement les présentes Conditions Générales. Il s'agit des Conditions Générales en vertu desquelles les hôtes louent des véhicules aux voyageurs. Les voyageurs acceptent ces conditions lors de la signature du contrat de location.
Les utilisateurs peuvent contacter Indie Campers par l'intermédiaire du service clientèle ou par e-mail via les contacts disponibles sur le site web. Toutefois, les questions relatives au véhicule ou à la location en elle-même doivent être traitées directement entre utilisateurs.
Si Indie Campers doit contacter les utilisateurs, il le fera par téléphone ou par écrit par e-mail ou à l'adresse que les utilisateurs ont fournie à Indie Campers lors de leur inscription sur le site.
Indie Campers se réserve le droit de modifier ces Conditions Générales à tout moment. Les utilisateurs seront informés à l'avance par courrier électronique de toute modification au moins 30 jours avant son entrée en vigueur.
Indie Campers se réserve le droit, dans des situations extraordinaires, d'appliquer les conditions générales d'une manière adaptée (ou ajustée) si et dans la mesure où cela est indispensable pour garantir les intérêts légitimes de la plateforme.
Les transactions sont effectuées par STRIPE qui traite les paiements de manière sécurisée. Stripe Technology Europe, Limited (STEL) est autorisé par l'Electronic Money Institution et réglementé par la Bank of Ireland (numéro de référence : C187865). Indie Campers ne peut être tenu responsable des paiements effectués directement entre les utilisateurs. La plateforme ne garantit que la sécurité des paiements effectués par l'intermédiaire du partenaire STRIPE.
Les voyageurs qui souhaitent faire une réservation via Indie Campers doivent s'inscrire sur le site web, où ils saisiront leurs données personnelles et les preuves de leurs documents. Indie Campers ne sera pas responsable si les informations fournies par l'utilisateur sont incorrectes. Certains documents ne peuvent être insérés qu'après la confirmation de la réservation, mais jamais après la date indiquée dans le chapitre "Conditions de Location".
Chaque utilisateur a à sa disposition un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe uniques qui lui permettent d'accéder directement à son profil. L'utilisateur s'engage à conserver ces données, à les garder confidentielles et à ne jamais les communiquer à autrui. L'utilisateur garantit qu'il ne créera qu'un seul "Profil" d'utilisateur.
En cas de non-respect des règles de la plateforme ou de comportement jugé abusif par la plateforme, Indie Campers se réserve le droit de suspendre le compte. L'utilisateur dont le compte est suspendu sera informé par e-mail à l'adresse e-mail indiquée lors de l'inscription. Toutes les données et documents doivent être insérés dans le site sur la page personnelle du voyageur.
La plateforme se compose d'une zone publique et d'une zone privée, auxquelles on peut accéder de différentes manières et avec différentes restrictions :
La zone publique permet l'accès au site, l'utilisation du site en tant qu'utilisateur non identifié, bénéficiant de certains services et fonctionnalités fournis par le site.
L'espace privé est accessible après identification et enregistrement de l'utilisateur. Cette identification nécessite la création préalable d'un profil. L'espace privé permet, entre autres, de faire des demandes de réservation, ainsi que la confirmation ultérieure, la publication d'un véhicule de location et l'édition des informations relatives à la publication d'un véhicule de location.
Voici les conditions minimales d'éligibilité en tant que locataire :
Vous devez être titulaire d'un permis de conduire actuel et valide (non temporaire). Vous devez être approuvé par Indie Campers par le biais d'une vérification d'identité et d'autres vérifications des antécédents que la société exige. Indie Campers a le droit d'annuler une réservation si l'utilisateur ne passe pas le processus de vérification d'identité, et la politique d'annulation applicable est alors mis en place.
Processus de demande :
Le processus de demande est généralement simple et rapide. Après la confirmation de la réservation, nous vous demandons des informations relatives à votre permis de conduire, votre passeport ou votre pièce d'identité officielle afin de nous assurer que vous répondez à nos critères d'admissibilité. Dans la plupart des cas, la vérification de l'admissibilité des conducteurs prend quelques secondes, pour que nous puissions vérifier toutes vos informations. Indie Campers peut utiliser une ou plusieurs sources tierces pour effectuer votre vérification d'admissibilité et ne partagera pas les informations en dehors de ce cadre.
Dans certains cas, nous pouvons avoir besoin d'informations supplémentaires à des fins de vérification, et ces exigences vous seront communiquées par e-mail ou par téléphone, afin que vous soyez prêt quand il sera temps de commencer votre voyage.
Tous les hôtes qui souhaitent placer leurs annonces sur le site web Indie Campers doivent s'inscrire où ils doivent, en plus de créer un profil d'utilisateur, remplir le formulaire de création de publication de manière détaillée et correcte.
Lors de la création de la publication, l'utilisateur devra fournir les informations et la documentation demandées de la manière la plus détaillée possible, ainsi que des photos de son véhicule. Les hôtes des véhicules peuvent être des personnes physiques ou morales.
Si l'hôte choisit d'utiliser l'assurance proposée par la plateforme, une communication incorrecte des informations concernant le véhicule peut entraîner la suppression de son éligibilité, à savoir :
● Poids du véhicule
● Année d'enregistrement
● Valeur des véhicules à l'état neuf
En outre, certains documents doivent être partagés avant toute confirmation de réservation. Les documents requis peuvent être consultés sur cette page.
Tous ces documents doivent être constamment mis à jour. Dans le cas contraire, le véhicule ne pourra plus bénéficier de l'assurance proposée par la plateforme et l'annonce elle-même pourra être suspendue jusqu'à ce que ceux-ci soient partagés et validés par la plateforme. S'il est constaté que les documents partagés jusqu'à cinq jours avant le début d'une réservation ne sont pas à jour, la Plateforme se réserve le droit d'annuler les réservations consécutives jusqu'à leur mise à jour, et l'hôte n'a droit à aucun remboursement. L'hôte accepte le droit de la plateforme de partager ces documents avec les partenaires d'assurance ainsi qu'avec le partenaire de paiement STRIPE. L'hôte s'engage également à partager les coordonnées bancaires avec lesquelles les paiements seront effectués.
Indie Campers se réserve le droit de communiquer des informations concernant les activités de chaque hôte sur la plateforme aux entités du gouvernement local, à savoir, mais sans s'y limiter, leurs revenus et le nombre de réservations.
Indie Campers ne peut en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable des erreurs, omissions ou inexactitudes, volontaires ou non, de la part de l'hôte en ce qui concerne la description et l'évaluation du véhicule.
Suite à une panne ou tout autre type d'incident, une annonce peut être suspendue sur la plateforme, afin de vérifier si ledit Véhicule est apte à la location. Indie Campers se réserve le droit de suspendre tout véhicule proposé à la location si elle estime qu'il y a un risque qui pourrait affecter la qualité du service. La suspension du véhicule peut entraîner l'annulation des réservations futures, et l'hôte du véhicule n'aura droit à aucune compensation pour les réservations futures.
Indie Campers effectuera un contrôle sommaire des informations et documents fournis par l'hôte, en se concentrant sur les éléments relatifs aux caractéristiques du véhicule. Cette vérification sera effectuée au moment de l'enregistrement du véhicule sur le site Internet et ne dispense pas le voyageur de procéder à une vérification au début de la location. Indie Campers se réserve le droit de vérifier les documents à tout moment.
Indie Campers peut, après vérification, retirer toute annonce de véhicule du site ou après avoir reçu des nouvelles d'un ou plusieurs voyageurs insatisfaits de l'état du véhicule et/ou du comportement de l'hôte, ainsi que sur la base du non-respect des présentes Conditions Générales.
Les hôtes doivent se porter garants :
- de la propriété totale du véhicule ou être le gestionnaire du Véhicule, posséder toutes les autorisations et preuves nécessaires, leur permettant de mettre le véhicule à disposition pour la location. L'hôte doit mettre ces autorisations à la disposition du voyageur, par écrit et signé par l'hôte du véhicule
- que les documents et informations partagés sont véridiques et exacts ;
- de la disponibilité du véhicule en parfait état de fonctionnement pour la location ;
- du bon état du véhicule avant le départ en ce qui concerne le nettoyage intérieur et extérieur, les niveaux d'eau et de carburant, etc.
-L'établissement des prix par nuitée relève de l'entière responsabilité de l'hôte et Indie Campers n'intervient pas dans sa définition.
L'hôte peut s'engager, sous engagement d'honneur, à pratiquer des prix finaux inférieurs ou équivalents sur Indie Campers par rapport à ceux proposés sur d'autres plateformes et sur son propre site web, en tenant compte des différents systèmes de calcul des plateformes respectives. Grâce à cet engagement, l'hôte pourra bénéficier de conditions plus favorables et de certains avantages, tels que des points supplémentaires dans le classement de recherche et l'obtention d'un cachet "Garantie Meilleur Prix" par Indie Campers. Les gestionnaires de compte de la plateforme vérifieront constamment les prix du marché et pourront contacter l'hôte en cas de rupture de l'engagement.
En outre, l'hôte doit facturer un prix correspondant à la valeur de son véhicule et de son équipement, ainsi qu'à l'âge et au nombre de kilomètres du véhicule, afin de respecter les normes de la plateforme.
L'hôte s'engage à respecter les exigences minimales de disponibilité requises par la plateforme, qui peuvent être consultées sur le site web.
De même, l'hôte ne pourra pas appliquer de frais ou de coûts supplémentaires pour la consommation de gaz liés aux bouteilles déjà utilisées au début de la location, car il s'agit d'un produit de consommation difficile à mesurer et il doit être inclus dans le prix de la location.
En hébergeant sur la plate-forme Indie Campers, l'hôte accepte de se conformer à nos conditions générales.
En cas de violations répétées ou graves, nous pouvons suspendre ou désactiver définitivement le compte de l'hôte et radier les véhicules.
Afin de protéger notre communauté, les comportements suivants sont interdits et peuvent entraîner la radiation de l'hôte :
Indie Campers peuvent toujours radier un hôte si son comportement et ses actions sont préjudiciables aux objectifs de l'entreprise, vont à l'encontre des obligations légales, sont discriminatoires et nuisent aux voyageurs.
Les utilisateurs interagissent entre eux par l'intermédiaire du site web Indie Campers, étant libres de faire des demandes de renseignements, d'évaluer, de vérifier la disponibilité des véhicules, de faire, d'accepter ou d'annuler des réservations.
L'hôte et le voyageur doivent parvenir à un accord avant de conclure le contrat de location, et avant toute location de véhicule. Les utilisateurs sont contractuellement tenus et doivent respecter les engagements pris depuis la confirmation de la réservation.
Un contrat de location doit être conclu entre l'hôte et le voyageur pour le véhicule ("Contrat de Location"). Le voyageur et l'hôte, lors de la signature du Contrat de Location, sont tenus de respecter les conditions qui y sont définies, en vertu de la règle pacta sunt servanda, ou du principe de la force obligatoire des contrats, lorsque les parties contractantes sont seules responsables du contrat conclu.
L'hôte s'engage à fournir une description actualisée du véhicule, correspondant à ses caractéristiques et à ne pas induire le locataire en erreur sur les caractéristiques du véhicule loué. La plateforme ne peut être tenue responsable en cas de description fausse ou erronée du véhicule.
Pour chaque réservation, l'hôte s'engage à fournir les documents du véhicule. Selon la réglementation en vigueur dans le pays d'immatriculation du véhicule et les exigences en matière d'assurance en vigueur, l'hôte doit fournir l'original ou la copie du certificat d'immatriculation du véhicule, la preuve d'assurance et la preuve d'un contrôle technique à jour. Une copie certifiée conforme du certificat d'immatriculation peut être demandée dans un poste de police afin de renforcer la crédibilité du document en cas de contrôle de police lors d'une location.
En cas de litige entre utilisateurs, ceux-ci s'engagent à agir selon les conclusions communiquées par le service de promotion de conciliation proposé par Indie Campers. La plateforme s'engage à fournir le service de promotion de conciliation dans les plus brefs délais en cas de litige.
Le service de promotion de conciliation sera proposé de manière impartiale, en tenant compte des informations fournies par chacun des utilisateurs impliqués dans le litige. Cette promotion de conciliation est conditionnée par le partage du contrat de location signé par les utilisateurs. Indie Campers s'efforcera, dans la mesure du possible, d'assurer la médiation des litiges conformément aux présentes conditions et à la proposition du Contrat de Location mise à disposition. Après communication des conclusions du litige, les utilisateurs auront 3 jours pour examiner et accepter la proposition de résolution. La résolution de la promotion de conciliation dépend de la bonne volonté des utilisateurs et n'aura jamais, par nature, d'obligations ou de responsabilités envers la plateforme. Si les utilisateurs ne résolvent pas le litige en utilisant le service de promotion de conciliation fourni par la plateforme, ils peuvent faire appel aux autorités compétentes.
Produit d'abonnement exclusif :
Les prix seront indiqués par mois, directement sous forme de coût total par mois sans frais supplémentaires (par exemple, frais de service, d'assurance ou de préparation), à l'exception des frais d'aller simple et des polices kilométriques. Les réservations de durée d'abonnement sont soumises à la durée minimale d'un mois ("Engagement initial minimum") et à la durée maximale de 12 mois.
Exclusivité des produits de location à court terme :
Les frais de location du véhicule sont comptabilisés par nuit, compte tenu de la disponibilité du véhicule faisant l'objet de la réservation.
Commun à tous les produits disponibles sur la plateforme :
Les utilisateurs définissent librement et d'un commun accord la durée de la location. A défaut de définition contraire, par écrit entre les utilisateurs ou dans les options de réservation sur la plateforme, les locations ont commencé à 14h00 et se terminent à 11h00. La plateforme permet aux hôtes de définir les heures de début et de fin de la location, mais uniquement moyennant un coût supplémentaire, qui doit toujours être explicite sur la plateforme.
Le voyageur peut faire une demande de réservation pour un certain véhicule, en indiquant nécessairement les dates auxquelles il souhaite réserver le véhicule. Le voyageur n'est autorisé à commencer la location du véhicule qu'après confirmation de la réservation et du paiement respectif du montant total de la réservation.
Si l'hôte accepte la demande de réservation, qui doit être effectuée dans un délai maximum de 48 heures après la réception de la demande de réservation, Indie Campers en informera le voyageur par courrier électronique, qui aura alors 48 heures pour effectuer le paiement et accepter, sans réserve, les présentes Conditions Générales à l'introduction. Par la suite, le montant correspondant à la location sera débité. L'hôte sera contractuellement obligé et devra respecter les engagements pris depuis l'acceptation de la demande de réservation.
Si l'hôte refuse de réserver son véhicule, Indie Campers en informera automatiquement le voyageur par courrier électronique, et est disposé à proposer, sous réserve de disponibilité, un véhicule équivalent comme alternative. Indie Campers ne peut être tenu responsable du refus d'une demande de réservation. Indie Campers est exonéré de toute responsabilité en cas d'annulation de la réservation par l'hôte ou par le voyageur et ne garantit pas l'exactitude des dates des demandes de réservation indiquées par le voyageur qui souhaite louer le véhicule.
Le voyageur peut prolonger la durée de sa location en demandant une prolongation obligatoire de la réservation. La demande doit être faite avec un minimum de 48 heures avant sa fin. Toute prolongation de la période de location suivra les règles stipulées dans les présentes Conditions Générales. La demande de prolongation doit être faite par l'intermédiaire de Indie Campers et est soumise à l'approbation ultérieure de l'hôte. L'assurance du véhicule doit être prolongée et un paiement supplémentaire sera exigé au moment de la confirmation du changement. Toute prolongation de réservation doit respecter les conditions mises à disposition sur la plateforme à cette même date, à savoir le prix de la location, le prix de l'assurance, les services d'intermédiation, entre autres. Même si l'hôte décide de ne pas facturer de frais supplémentaires pour la prolongation de la location, la plateforme est en droit de facturer tous les services inhérents à la location, tels que les services d'intermédiation et l'assurance.
Dans le cas où le voyageur n'effectue pas la restitution à une date, une heure et un lieu donnés, une redevance de trois fois la valeur, y compris tous les coûts qui y sont associés, sera appliquée par nuit annoncée sur la plateforme. Pour chaque nuit supplémentaire non convenue par les deux parties, l'hôte sera en droit de facturer l'équivalent de trois fois le prix par nuit annoncé sur la plateforme, ainsi que les coûts qui y sont associés. De même, la plateforme aura le droit de facturer la valeur d'assurance journalière, les services d'intermédiation et autres. En outre, la couverture d'assurance pour les jours supplémentaires non signalés et convenus au préalable n'est pas garantie, le voyageur étant entièrement responsable de tout dommage ou coût encouru qui serait autrement couvert par l'assurance.
Le voyageur qui fait une réservation doit être âgé de plus de 18 ans au moment de l'enregistrement, présenter un permis de conduire en cours de validité dans le pays d'enregistrement et de départ et qui est légalement approprié pour la conduite du véhicule objet de la location, une pièce d'identité valide et une carte de paiement valide, ainsi que toutes les exigences définies par l'hôte, telles que l'âge minimum et l'expérience de conduite à la date du début de la location. Les conducteurs supplémentaires doivent être présents au moment de la prise en charge et posséder un permis de conduire en cours de validité dans le pays de départ et d'arrivée et pour le type de véhicule loué, ainsi que toutes les exigences définies par l'hôte, telles que l'âge minimum et l'expérience de conduite à la date du début de la location. Le non-respect de cette exigence empêchera tout conducteur supplémentaire de conduire le véhicule.
Pour les locations de courte durée, lorsque l'hôte est Indie Campers, si l'un des conducteurs a moins de 25 ans, la sélection du plan de protection de base est obligatoire et les conducteurs de moins de 25 ans ne sont pas autorisés à accepter le plan de protection Premium. Les plans de protection ne sont pas inclus et ne peuvent pas être souscrits par le client dans le cadre des réservations d'abonnement.
Avant le début de la location, les voyageurs ont le devoir de partager toutes les informations et documents demandés dans leur profil sur la plateforme. Les voyageurs doivent le faire jusqu'à 48 heures de jours ouvrables avant le début de la location. L'omission des informations et des documents requis peut entraîner l'annulation de la location et le voyageur n'a droit à aucun remboursement. Les documents et informations demandés peuvent comprendre les éléments suivants :
● Carte de citoyen ou passeport en cours de validité
● Permis de conduire en cours de validité
● Adresse fiscale des conducteurs
● Numéro d'identification fiscale
Lors de la prise en charge du véhicule, l'hôte, ou un représentant dûment identifié et sur autorisation, doit être présent lors de l'inventaire, afin de vérifier l'état du véhicule avant et après la location, en signant le contrat de location.
Indie Campers fait une proposition de contrat de location. Les hôtes sont libres de l'utiliser, de la modifier ou d'utiliser tout autre type de contrat à condition que les deux parties le signent et qu'il décrive de manière exhaustive le véhicule ainsi que ses caractéristiques et ses équipements. Toutefois, Indie Campers ne peut être tenu responsable en cas d'ajustement du contrat proposé. En cas de litige entre l'hôte et le voyageur, Indie Campers prendra position conformément à la proposition de contrat de location mise à disposition par ce dernier.
Les deux parties doivent photographier le véhicule, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur, ainsi que le compteur kilométrique et le niveau du réservoir d'essence, lors de l'enregistrement et du départ, ces éléments étant nécessaires et indispensables pour la résolution des litiges entre les utilisateurs.
Au cas où le véhicule disponible à la location présente des caractéristiques principales qui ne correspondent pas, ou sont de qualité sensiblement inférieure, à celles communiquées sur la plateforme, le voyageur peut, jusqu'à la signature du contrat, annuler celui-ci et demander le remboursement du montant total de la réservation. En cas de litige, le voyageur doit partager les preuves (photos, vidéos, ...) de la divergence de la réalité avec celle publiée sur la plateforme. La plateforme évaluera et prendra la décision du cas. L'annulation de la réservation doit être faite par le biais des moyens de contact avec la plateforme indiqués dans ces termes.
Les suppléments sont soumis à la disponibilité sur le lieu de prise en charge. Si un extra réservé n'est pas disponible à l'enregistrement, l'hôte en informera le voyageur et le remboursera en fonction du montant payé pour cet article ou service, et aucune autre compensation ne sera due. Les frais liés à l'utilisation de la plateforme ne seront pas remboursés.
Le véhicule doit être restitué au jour, à l'heure et au lieu indiqués dans le contrat de location.
Si le véhicule est restitué avec des saletés à l'intérieur (ordures, sable, terre, boue ou autres débris) ou à l'extérieur, ainsi que lorsque le réservoir d'eau n'a pas été livré vide, une taxe de nettoyage supplémentaire peut être appliquée et sera définie par l'hôte et communiquée avant la signature du contrat de location. Le véhicule doit être rendu avec le réservoir de carburant au même niveau qu'au moment de la prise en charge, sinon le voyageur devra payer une redevance fixée par l'hôte et communiquée préalablement à la signature du contrat de location. Si le véhicule a un niveau d'AdBlue supérieur à la réserve, le voyageur ne doit pas rendre le véhicule avec le niveau d'AdBlue de la réserve, sinon le voyageur peut se voir facturer des frais fixés par l'hôte et communiqués avant la signature du contrat de location. Pendant le voyage, le voyageur est responsable de s'assurer que le véhicule contient toujours le carburant et l'AdBlue nécessaires à la circulation sans endommager le moteur. De l'AdBlue supplémentaire peut être acheté pendant la période de location dans n'importe quelle station-service au nom du voyageur. L'hôte ne remboursera pas le voyageur pour les dépenses de liquide AdBlue lors du retour du véhicule. L'hôte est responsable de l'évaluation de l'état du véhicule à la livraison.
Le voyageur s'engage à payer la totalité de la location sur le site, selon les différents modes de paiement proposés dans les annonces.
Lorsque le voyageur confirme la réservation, sa carte de crédit ou de débit sera débitée selon la politique d'annulation définie par l'hôte (frais inclus). En cas de refus du mode de prélèvement, la réservation ne sera pas valable et aucune confirmation de location ne sera envoyée, et le voyageur devra présenter un autre mode de paiement valable.
Lorsque la politique de paiement disponible permet de diviser le paiement du montant total de la réservation en plus d'un moment, le second paiement sera automatiquement facturé selon le même mode de paiement choisi à la date définie. Si le deuxième paiement échoue, le voyageur en sera informé et aura 2 jours pour effectuer le paiement avec un autre mode de paiement. S'il n'est pas possible de facturer le second paiement à la date définie, la plateforme aura le droit d'annuler la réservation, en appliquant la politique d'annulation convenue.
Indie Campers ne sera pas responsable des taux de change utilisés par la banque du voyageur, ni des frais bancaires appliqués par la banque du voyageur. La devise utilisée pour le paiement sera toujours celle correspondant au pays où le voyage commence.
L'indemnisation des hôtes sera transférée par le biais de STRIPE. La rémunération de l'hôte sera toujours définie de manière indépendante et sera calculée par le montant total de la réserve moins les frais facturés par la plateforme, y compris les taxes applicables, et les autres assurances et services supplémentaires acquis par le voyageur directement à la plateforme.
La rémunération de l'hôte, sauf accord contraire, sera transférée le deuxième jour ouvrable après le début de la réservation.
Les coûts du service d'intermédiation de Indie Campers sont pris en charge par le voyageur et l'hôte. L'utilisation du service implique l'acceptation par le voyageur, sans conditions ni réservations, des montants fixés. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le moment où les frais de service sont appliqués et sur la manière dont ils sont calculés sur notre page Frais de Service. Sauf indication contraire sur la plateforme, les frais de service ne sont pas remboursables. Indie Campers se réserve le droit de modifier les frais de service à tout moment et informera les utilisateurs de toute modification des frais avant qu'elle n'entre en vigueur. Les modifications des frais n'affecteront pas les réservations effectuées avant la date d'entrée en vigueur de la modification des frais. Si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec une modification des frais, vous pouvez résilier le présent accord à tout moment en supprimant votre notification, bien que vous restiez responsable des réservations confirmées précédemment. Indie Campers se réserve le droit de suspendre ou d'annuler le paiement à l'hôte en cas de litige avec le client.
Dans les cas où une assurance supplémentaire est nécessaire pour effectuer la location, les coûts résultant de la location de celle-ci seront entièrement pris en charge par le voyageur et seront payés cumulativement avec les autres montants de la réserve selon les modes de paiement. En cas de prolongation de la location, l'assurance du véhicule devra être prolongée et un paiement supplémentaire sera exigé.
L'achat de plans de protection sera entièrement pris en charge par le voyageur selon les conditions de paiement appliquées à la réservation correspondante.
La caution sera bloquée à partir de 24 heures avant le début du voyage et ne pourra être payée que selon l'une des modalités et valeurs décrites dans l'annonce. Le véhicule ne peut pas être livré au voyageur si la caution n'est pas bloquée par l'hôte ou par les campeurs indépendants. Indie Campers bloquera obligatoirement la caution si l'une des assurances fournies par Indie Campers a été choisie.
Lors de la restitution du véhicule, l'hôte ou Indie Campers libérera la partie non utilisée de la caution, de la même manière qu'elle était retenue et le remboursement peut être effectué jusqu'à 30 jours ouvrables après la restitution du véhicule. En cas de litige concernant le dépôt de la caution, Indie Campers peut assumer le rôle de médiateur, selon les termes décrits dans la section "Relation entre le voyageur et l'hôte".
La caution est destinée à couvrir tout dommage causé au véhicule pendant la période de location. Ce montant peut être utilisé pour couvrir les frais de réparation du véhicule après la survenance d'un ou plusieurs accidents et tout dommage causé au véhicule couvert dans la limite de la franchise de l'assurance contractée. La caution peut également être utilisée pour couvrir les dommages aux véhicules qui ne sont pas couverts par l'assurance contractée et les éventuels défauts du contrat de location, tels que la couverture du dépassement du forfait kilométrique choisi, le passage en péage et en SCUTS, les éventuelles amendes, ou tout autre montant dû à l'hôte par le voyageur, pour autant qu'il respecte les clauses du contrat de location. La gestion de la caution est subordonnée à la signature entre les parties du contrat de location et du document d'inventaire du véhicule, soit de collecte, soit de restitution. En outre, si la caution n'est pas suffisante pour couvrir toutes les responsabilités du voyageur en matière de paiement, des paiements supplémentaires peuvent être facturés, sans autorisation préalable du voyageur.
Dans les cas où une partie du dépôt de garantie sera transférée à l'hôte, un coût de transaction de 1.3% + tva sur la valeur de la transaction sera facturé au hôte.
L'hôte doit signaler tout incident survenu dans son véhicule par le biais du formulaire disponible sur le site de la Plateforme jusqu'à 5 jours après le paiement.
La politique d'annulation sera appliquée en fonction du choix fait par l'hôte, selon les différentes politiques d'annulation que vous pouvez consulter à la page Politiques d'annulation. Tout montant remboursé sera déduit des frais de service d'Indie Campers et le remboursement sera effectué dans un délai maximum de 14 jours à compter de la réception de la demande d'annulation.
La survenance d'événements imprévus ou inévitables pour lesquels Indie Campers et les utilisateurs n'ont aucune responsabilité (exemples : force majeure, guerre, catastrophes naturelles, pandémies et grèves) n'invalide pas la pleine application des dispositions susmentionnées.
En cas d'annulation de la réservation par l'hôte, Indie Campers indiquera d'autres véhicules dans des conditions similaires à celles réservées. Si le voyageur n'accepte pas l'un des véhicules présentés par Indie Campers, le montant payé par le voyageur lui sera remboursé. Si la rémunération est déjà en possession de l'hôte, et bien qu'il s'agisse d'une annulation de sa part, l'hôte est tenu de rembourser intégralement le montant reçu ou bien Indie Campers peut déduire ce montant des réservations futures. Si Indie Campers s'attend raisonnablement à rembourser un voyageur en vertu de l'une de ces politiques, nous pouvons retarder l'envoi de tout paiement pour cette réservation jusqu'à ce qu'une décision de remboursement soit prise.
En cas d'annulation d'une réservation par l'hôte, des frais d'annulation et autres conséquences vous seront facturés, qui seront directement facturés ou soustraits de la rémunération des réservations ultérieures. Indie Campers se réserve le droit d'annuler une réservation si les exigences minimales définies précédemment n'ont pas été respectées par les utilisateurs.
La survenance d'événements imprévus ou inévitables pour lesquels Indie Campers et les Utilisateurs n'ont aucune responsabilité (exemples : force majeure, guerre, catastrophes naturelles, pandémies et grèves) n'invalide pas la pleine application des dispositions susmentionnées.
Les locations de véhicules effectuées par l'intermédiaire de la plateforme doivent être accompagnées d'une assurance automobile obligatoire, cette dernière étant à la charge du voyageur. L'assurance du véhicule peut être fournie par l'hôte à condition qu'il dispose d'une assurance valable à la date de la location et qu'elle couvre l'utilisation de tiers. Pour un véhicule qui n'a pas d'assurance pour l'utilisation de tiers, le client peut utiliser une assurance fournie par la plateforme dans les conditions décrites sur plateforme d’Indie Campers.
Indie Campers et l'hôte ne sont pas responsables des éventuels dommages ou vols d'objets personnels subis pendant la période de location et il est recommandé de ne pas laisser d'objets de valeur dans le véhicule, en vue, lorsque le voyageur se trouve à l'extérieur du véhicule.
Le voyageur reconnaît qu'il est responsable de tous les dommages survenus pendant la période de location, indépendamment de l'assurance qui a pu être contractée et du coût appliqué.
En cas d'accident, le voyageur s'engage à suivre les procédures suivantes : Avertir l'hôte et Indie Campers, les autorités policières dans les 24 heures de tout accident, vol, vol qualifié ou autre malheur, photographier ce qu’il s'est passé et obtenir les noms et adresses de toutes les personnes impliquées, ainsi que des témoins qui peuvent clarifier ce qui s'est passé, remplir le rapport d'accident en collaboration avec la ou les autres parties impliquées, ne pas quitter le véhicule sans avoir pris toutes les mesures concernant sa protection et sa sécurité, ne pas assumer de responsabilité ou se déclarer coupable, au nom de l'hôte ou en cas d'accident pouvant le tenir pour responsable. Rassembler et envoyer immédiatement après l'accident, à l'hôte, le rapport d'accident avec les données des autres véhicules et des conducteurs qui peuvent être impliqués, le rapport des autorités et les clés du véhicule (en cas de vol). Dans le cas contraire, toutes les assurances et la couverture des risques seront annulées et le voyageur sera responsable de tous les frais.
Dans le cas où le voyageur refuse de signer le rapport d'incident et/ou ne fournit pas les documents nécessaires pour ouvrir une procédure de réclamation dans un délai maximum de 24 heures après que le dommage soit survenu, un montant équivalent à la ou aux franchises de l'assurance peut être facturé et transféré directement à l'hôte ou à l'assureur.
En cas de dommages couverts par l'assurance contractée, chaque dommage qui est de la responsabilité du voyageur ou de tiers non identifiés, donnera lieu au paiement de la franchise si le montant de la réparation est supérieur au montant de la franchise établie par l'assureur, ou au paiement du montant des réparations s'il est inférieur au montant de la franchise établie par l'assureur, sauf dans les conditions d'exclusion par l'assurance automobile en vigueur pendant la location, où toutes les responsabilités et les frais seront à la charge du voyageur.
Lorsque l'assurance fournie par la plateforme est utilisée :
En cas de dommages causés au véhicule pendant la période de location, l'hôte s'engage à signaler les dommages et à envoyer les documents demandés dans le délai présenté au paragraphe 11.2. En cas de dommages couverts par l'assurance et évalués au-dessus du taux de franchise applicable, le traitement de l'ouverture de la réclamation par nos partenaires assureurs exige que les documents et informations visés à l'article 11.2 soient transmis aux Indie Campers dans un délai n'excédant pas 24 (VINGT-QUATRE) heures après la restitution du Véhicule. Au risque de perdre également la garantie, le contrôle technique du Véhicule ne doit pas présenter de défauts pouvant être liés à la cause du dommage. Une fois le coupable identifié et la décision communiquée par Indie Campers après examen de la réclamation, l'hôte s'engage à réparer le véhicule dans les plus brefs délais, et ce délai ne peut excéder 15 jours après la décision si le véhicule n'a pas de location prévue sur la plateforme Indie Campers pendant cette période. Si le véhicule est réservé par l'intermédiaire d'Indie Campers pendant la période mentionnée, la période maximale peut être étendue à 1 mois après la décision. En cas de panne du véhicule, l'hôte est tenu de répondre au voyageur dans un délai maximum de 24 (VINGT-QUATRE) heures.
Pour bloquer le dépôt de garantie, l'hôte doit en informer Indie Campers via le formulaire disponible sur le site de la plateforme jusqu'à 5 jours après le check-out.
Chaque fois qu'un Utilisateur interagit avec la Plateforme ou envoie un e-mail, un message texte (SMS) ou toute autre communication depuis l'ordinateur ou l'appareil mobile de l'Utilisateur, l'Utilisateur est considéré comme communiquant avec la Plateforme par voie électronique. La Plateforme contactera l'Utilisateur électroniquement par divers moyens, tels que des e-mails, des messages texte (SMS), des notifications dans l'application, ou en publiant des messages ou des communications par e-mail sur le site web ou via tout produit sous licence de la Plateforme. Aux fins du présent Accord, les Utilisateurs acceptent que tous les contacts opérationnels, avis et autres notifications et communications que la Plateforme envoie aux Utilisateurs, liés aux communications de réservation, par voie électronique, remplissent toute exigence écrite, sauf si une loi obligatoire applicable nécessite une autre forme de communication.
Aux fins de la réglementation en vigueur en matière de protection des données personnelles et des services de la société de l'information et du commerce électronique, les données personnelles, tant celles prévues pour la formalisation du présent contrat que celles recueillies pendant la durée des services de location, seront incorporées à un fichier de données personnelles afin de pouvoir gérer les services de location de véhicules loués, ainsi qu'à des fins commerciales, et de vous tenir rapidement informé, par courrier électronique, de toutes les offres, produits et promotions susceptibles de vous intéresser.
Les utilisateurs disposent des droits reconnus par le règlement général sur la protection des données pour accéder, rectifier et supprimer les données, s'opposer à leur traitement et demander leur limitation.
Les présentes Conditions Générales et les conventions conclues entre les Hôtes et les Voyageurs conformément à l'établissement de relations par le Site sont soumises au droit applicable au domicile de l'Hôte.
The following terms have the following meaning the Agreement:
“Renter” is the person or entity identified in the Underlying Rental Agreement (as defined herein) as the renter of the Vehicle.
“Rental Agreement” or the “underlying Rental Agreement” means the rental vehicle agreement that you consent and agree to at the inception of any rental or other use of any Vehicle
“Additional Driver” means a person we list on the Rental Agreement. “Authorized Driver” means the renter and any Additional Driver, as being any driver noted in the underlying Rental Agreement as an authorized driver, and any other individual only where required by applicable state law. Only Authorized Drivers are permitted to drive the Vehicle. An “Unauthorized Driver” means anyone who is not an Authorized Driver, nor any Additional Driver, nor any other individual as required by applicable state law. Agreement provided that each such person has a valid driver's license issued by any state or territory within the United States for the duration of the rental period or their reservation period (or any other kind of license to use or operate the vehicle as required by state law), whichever period is longer and is at least 21 years of age.
"Authorized Drivers" are the only persons permitted to drive the Vehicle. To the extent permitted by law, we may charge an additional fee for each Authorized Driver (other than the renter). Only 1 Authorized Driver is included in the basic protection plan. To get up to 3 authorized drivers the premium protection plan is required. Any additional Authorized Drivers must be present at the time of rental and meet age and driver’s license requirements. Additional Authorized Drivers are allowed with the Basic, with no additional cost, for the following cases: Spouse, child, sibling, parent or grandparent, the renter's business partner, employer or fellow associate.
"NON- US Citizen Authorized Drivers" are non US-citizens that present a valid ID/Passport as well as a valid driver's license and comply with the previous paragraphs of this article
“Vehicle” means the motor vehicle identified in the underlying Rental Agreement and any vehicle we substitute it for, and all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys, and Vehicle documents, but “Vehicle” does not include portable navigation devices or other optional equipment (“Optional Equipment”) that you rent from us.
“Loss of Use” means the loss of our ability to use the Vehicle for any purpose (including, but not limited to non-rental uses such as general display of the Vehicle, display of the Vehicle for sale, non-revenue transportation by employees) due to damage to or loss of the Vehicle during your rental.
“Diminished Value” means the difference between the value of the Vehicle immediately prior to damage or loss, and the value of the Vehicle after repair or replacement.
“Vehicle License Fee” means our estimate of the average per day per vehicle portion of charges imposed by governmental authorities on us, including our total annual vehicle licensing, titling, plating, inspection, and registration costs, or to recover other similar charges as permitted by applicable law.
"Van Swap" means the different situations when an Authorized Driver may have the initial Vehicle changed by another Vehicle from the same category
The Agreement is a binding contract for rental of the Vehicle. The price you are provided on your Rental Agreement is only for the rental period specified on the Rental Agreement. If you return your Vehicle early or late your price is subject to change. To the extent permitted by law, we may terminate this Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you, if you breach this Agreement or if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, defend us, and hold us harmless from all claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle; and We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. You agree not to alter the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment. If you or an Authorized Driver determine the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment is unsafe, you or the Authorized Driver shall stop operating the vehicle or Optional Equipment and notify us immediately.
You acknowledge that the Vehicle may be equipped with a telematics device, global positioning satellite (“GPS”) technology, an electronic locator device, and/or an event data recorder. We may find, monitor, or disable the Vehicle through such systems if we deem it necessary, without warning or notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Remote monitoring may include the collection of Vehicle data, such as location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements that we may deem necessary. We are not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Vehicle. You acknowledge these systems may use cellular telephone, wireless technology, Bluetooth technology, or radio signals to transmit data, and therefore your privacy cannot be guaranteed. You authorize any person’s use or disclosure of or access to location information, automatic crash notification, and operational vehicle reporting conditions of Vehicle as permitted by law. You shall inform any and all drivers and passengers of vehicle of the terms of this section and that you have authorized release of information as provided herein. You agree to release us and agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless for any damage to persons or property caused by failure of the telematics device to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the telematics device. Third party telematics service providers are not our agents, employees, or contractors. Your use of a telematics system during the rental is subject to the terms of service and privacy policy of the third-party telematics system provider. The Vehicle may collect and store personal information if you chose to connect your smartphone or other device to the Vehicle’s Infotainment System. INDIE CAMPERS does not access, collect, or use any information that may be stored by the Infotainment System. If you choose to connect your device to the Infotainment System, you are representing that you understand that information from your device may be stored by the Vehicle’s Infotainment System.
4.1 A vehicle exchange can only take place in the situations described below:
4.1.1. During the rental period the vehicle has suffered an accident, damage, engine failure or similar situations in which the vehicle is not drivable: a) The vehicle will be sent to a workshop b) The deposit of the first vehicle will be charged c) The customer will receive a new vehicle of the same category with a new deposit.
4.1.2 During the rental period in the event of negligent damage to the vehicle: a) The deposit will be charged b) In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover the damage the remainder will also be charged to the client c) If the deposit has been charged the client will be entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit d) In the event that the deposit has not been collected the client will not be entitled to a new vehicle
4.1.3 During the rental period if the vehicle is damaged due to unforeseen circumstances: a) The deposit will be charged b) The Renter is entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit
4.1.4 In circumstances where a new deposit is required the Renter who previously had a protection plan premium may only choose a protection plan basic for the new booking. Indie Campers does not authorize the upgrade of the protection plan when changing vehicles.
4.2 You must return the Vehicle to our rental office or other location we identify, on the date and time specified in this Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear. If the Vehicle is returned to any other office or location or left somewhere other than the office or location identified by us, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it. In addition, you authorize us to charge your credit or debit card a one-way charge or service fee plus any additional costs incurred by us in the return of the Vehicle. If the Vehicle is returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it upon our next opening for business. Service to the Vehicle or replacement of parts or accessories during the rental must have our prior written approval. You must check and maintain all fluid levels, check that the Vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, lock the Vehicle at all times when you are not operating it, and return the Vehicle with at least the same amount of fuel as when rented. No refund or credit shall be issued if you return the Vehicle with a greater amount of fuel than when you received it. If the vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged a fee of $100 for every 1⁄4 tank missing.
4.3 FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA -- Warning: California Vehicle Code Section 10855 provides the following: If a person who has leased or rented a vehicle willfully and intentionally fails to return the vehicle to its owner within 72 hours after the lease or rental agreement has expired, the person shall be presumed to have embezzled the vehicle.” On January 1, 2024, California Vehicle Code Section 10855 will be amended and the following shall apply: “If a person who has leased or rented a vehicle willfully and intentionally fails to return the vehicle to its owner within five days after the lease or rental agreement has expired, the person shall be presumed to have embezzled the vehicle.
5.1 You are responsible for all damage to, and for loss or theft of, the Vehicle including damage caused by collision, weather, road conditions and acts of nature, even if you are not at fault. You are responsible for the cost of repair, or the actual cash retail value of the Vehicle on the date of the loss if the Vehicle is not repairable or if we elect not to repair the Vehicle. You are also responsible for Loss of Use (without regard to fleet utilization), Diminished Value, our administrative expenses incurred processing a claim, and all other damages permitted by California Civil Code Section 1936 or other similar state law that may apply or govern. You must report all accidents and incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. Your responsibility for damage to or loss of the Vehicle is limited by law in the following jurisdictions:
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA – You are responsible for all damage to and loss of the Vehicle caused by collision whether or not you are at fault. Your responsibility will include: (a) all physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Vehicle calculated in accordance with California law; (ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable: the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair up to the fair market value; (b) an administrative fee in accordance with California Law; and (c) all actual charges for towing, storage, and impound fees. You are also responsible for missing equipment. You are responsible for loss due to theft of the Vehicle and all damage due to vandalism that occurs in connection with a theft if you fail to exercise ordinary care while in possession of the Vehicle. You are responsible for damage due to vandalism not associated with theft of the Vehicle up to a maximum related to the fair market value of the vehicle. Permitting a person who is not an Authorized Driver to use the Vehicle is not an exercise of ordinary care, but a willful and reckless act, and is a breach of this Agreement.
5.2 Optional Equipment. Upon request and subject to availability, we offer certain Optional Equipment, considered as extras, for your use during the rental at an additional charge. All Optional Equipment is rented “AS IS” and must be returned to us at the end of the rental in the same condition as when rented. Optional Equipment is not part of the car. You are responsible for any loss or damage to any Optional Equipment regardless of the cause. You should review the operational instructions for all Optional Equipment before leaving the rental location. If you rent a Child Seat from us, you have the sole responsibility to inspect and properly install the seat yourself. We make no warranties, express, implied, or apparent, regarding the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment is fit for a particular purpose. You are responsible for all injury or damage arising out of, or related to your use of the Child Seat, or any other Optional Equipment. If you choose to rent a Global Positioning Device (“GPS”) from us, you are responsible for returning it in the same condition as when rented with all accessories provided, including the carrying case, the car charger, the windshield mount, and, in states where provided, the console beanbag mount (“GPS Accessories”). If the GPS or GPS Accessories are lost or damaged so as to, in our sole opinion, require repair or replacement, you will pay us the fair market value for its repair or replacement.
5.3 Use of Vehicle in a Camping Location. If you will be using the Vehicle in any camping location, park, or similar location, you hereby agree to park, use and operate the Vehicle in such location in compliance with the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location, paying for all fees in relation to parking, driving, using, or operating the Vehicle at such location, and to adhere to all rules, codes, guidances, and requirements of such location and related to the use of the such location.
5.4 Return of Vehicle. You must return the Vehicle at the due-in date in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear and tear. You must clean the Vehicle and remove all articles, properties, equipment, or items that you, the Authorized Driver or any of your passengers brought into the Vehicle.
5.4.1 Cleaning Fees Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 50$ if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
5.4.2 Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 100$ if the grey water tank its not empty and 150€ for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
5.4.3 Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 125$ if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on i) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
5.4.4 The cleaning fees are cumulative in the order presented.
We will not waive your responsibility, if you gave us false, fraudulent or misleading information prior to the rental or during the rental or to extend the rental period, and we would not have rented the Vehicle to you or extended the rental period, if we were given true information; or if you fail to notify us and the police of an accident, theft or vandalism involving the Vehicle, or if damage to or loss of the Vehicle is the result of a prohibited use, including damage or loss that: (a) is caused by anyone who is not an Authorized Driver; (b) is caused by anyone under the influence of a drug or alcohol; (c) occurs while the Vehicle is used during the commission of a felony or other crime, other than a minor traffic violation; (d) occurs while carrying persons or property for hire, while pushing or towing anything, during any race, speed test or contest, or while teaching anyone to drive; (e) results from carrying dangerous, hazardous, or illegal material; (f) results from use of the Vehicle outside the geographic area specified on the Rental Agreement, or from use in Mexico; (g) is caused by driving on unpaved roads; (h) occurs while transporting more persons than the Vehicle has seat belts, while carrying persons outside the passenger compartment, or while transporting children without approved child safety seats as required by law; (i) occurs when the odometer has been tampered with or disconnected; (j) occurs when the Vehicle’s fluid levels are low, or it is otherwise reasonable to expect you to know that further operation would damage the Vehicle; (k) is caused by carrying anything on the roof, trunk or hood of the Vehicle, or by inadequately secured cargo inside the Vehicle, or by an animal transported in the Vehicle; (l) occurs when the Vehicle is unlocked, or the keys or key fob are lost, stolen or left in the Vehicle when not operating it; (m) is caused, where applicable, by anyone who lacks experience operating a manual transmission; (n) results from failure to allow sufficient height or width clearance; (o) results from your willful, wanton or reckless act or misconduct; (p) results from fueling with a type of fuel improper for the specific Vehicle; or (q) results from driving or operating the Vehicle while using a hand-held wireless communication device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages while not in a hands-free mode. In the event of a loss due to theft of the Vehicle, we will not waive your responsibility for the loss unless you return to us all the Vehicle keys or ignition devices we gave you at the time of rental. FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN CALIFORNIA – NOTICE ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY -- You are responsible for all collision damage to the Vehicle even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the vehicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees, subject to renter’s liability, Your own insurance, or the issuer of the credit card you use to pay for the vehicle rental transaction, may cover all or part of your financial responsibility for the Vehicle. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. Further, if you use a credit card that provides coverage for your potential liability, you should check with the issuer to determine if you must first exhaust the coverage limits of your own insurance before the credit card coverage applies. You will be held responsible if, in each case: (a) damage or loss results from an Authorized Driver’s (i) intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct, (ii) operation of the Vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol in violation of Section 23152 of the California Vehicle Code or similar applicable state laws, (iii) towing or pushing anything, or (iv) operation of the vehicle on an unpaved road if the damage or loss is a direct result of the road or driving conditions; (b) damage or loss occurs while the Vehicle is (i) used for commercial hire, (ii) used in connection with conduct that could be properly charged as a felony, (iii) involved in a speed test or contest or in driver training activity, (iv) operated by a person other than an Authorized Driver, or (v) operated outside the United States; or (c) an Authorized Driver has provided fraudulent information or false information to us and we would not have rented the vehicle if we had instead received true information. a. Lost or Damaged Keys or Key Fobs. Even if you do not violate the terms detailed in paragraph 6 above, you will be responsible for the following: a) a service fee for replacing the keys or key fob and delivering replacement keys or key fobs or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lose the keys or key fob to the Vehicle; and b) a service fee for delivering replacement keys or key fob or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lock the keys or key fob in the Vehicle and request assistance from INDIE CAMPERS, flat tire service, and jumpstarts.
Where permitted by law, in addition to the prohibitions listed above in the General Prohibited Uses section, unless granted permission by INDIE CAMPERS, shall be considered prohibited uses of the Vehicle (“Prohibited Uses”) where the Vehicle is used, operated or driven in the following:
7.1 By anyone without first obtaining INDIE CAMPERS’s written consent;• By anyone without first obtaining INDIE CAMPERS’s written consent;
7.2 By anyone who is not a qualified and licensed driver with the proper licenses as required by applicable state law;
7.3 By anyone whose driving license is suspended in any jurisdiction;
7.4 To use or operate the Vehicle in Mexico or any other country outside of the United States except for Canada. Any use or operation of the Vehicle in Mexico or any other country outside of the United States except for Canada is prohibited and a material breach of the Agreement by you.
7.5 To use or operate the Vehicle outside of the United States, excluding Canada, without our written consent and without first having or obtaining special liability coverage with your insurance applicable to use or operate the Vehicle in such applicable location or country;
7.6 To use or operate the Vehicle in the locations presented on article 25º
7.7 To carry persons or property for hire, livery, On-Demand service, or Transportation Network Company (Uber, Lyft, etc.);
7.8 To carry dangerous or hazardous items or illegal material;
7.9 To teach anyone to drive;
7.10 To propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object;
7.11 In any race, test or contest;
7.12 For or in furtherance of any crime or illegal purpose or in the commission of a crime;
7.13 To instruct an unlicensed person in operation of vehicle;
7.14 If the vehicle is obtained from INDIE CAMPERS by fraud or misrepresentation;
7.15 To carry persons other than in the passenger compartment of the Vehicle;
7.16 Loading the vehicle beyond its rated capacity;
7.17 Parking, using or operating the Vehicle in a camping or exclusive location in violation of the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, not obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location;
7.18 While under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants such as drugs or narcotics or under any other physical or mental impairment which adversely affects the driver’s ability to operate the Vehicle;
7.19 By anyone under the influence of a prescription or non-prescription drug or alcohol;
7.20 Smoking or vaping in the Vehicle;
7. 21 Using or operating the Vehicle after an accident with the Vehicle unless and until you summon the police to the accident scene;
7. 22 Intentionally or negligence causing damage to or loss of the Vehicle;
7. 23 Used or operated in the driver’s seat by anyone younger than the minimum age set forth in this Agreement;
7. 24 Using the Vehicle in violation of any “rules of the Road” or vehicle safety and operations training or instructions that we provide to you at the time of rental;
7.25 Sitting, standing or lying on the roof of the Vehicle;
7.26 Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle on other than a paved road or graded private road or driveway; and
7. 27 Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle in an unsafe, reckless, grossly negligent, or wanton manner. Violating a traffic law or receiving a ticket in an accident is not automatically a violation of this provision, but may be an indication that a violation of this provision has occurred.
Prohibited use of the Vehicle violates this agreement, voids all liability and other insurance coverage (where permitted by law), makes Vehicle subject to immediate recovery by INDIE CAMPERS, and makes you responsible for all loss of or damage to or connected with the Vehicle, regardless of the cause, including but not limited to INDIE CAMPERS’s expenses, including loss of use.
8.1 Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of propane (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas.
8.2 Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove with tank gauge: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas.
In addition, if the vehicle is not returned with the same L.P.G. level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged $25 per each ⅓ tank missing.
8.3 Additional propane or gas cartilages or refills can be purchased throughout the rental period at the Hirer's own expense.
1) Some vehicle models have a gas generator that fuels the air-conditioner. The consumption of this gas is not included in any rental, thus, for the applicable vehicle models, the value of the fee per hour of usage, as determined by an installed running time meter, is communicated during the booking process.
2) The generator's autonomy hours will be logged when the vehicle is delivered and, upon its return, its autonomy will be checked again. The Hirer will be charged $3.5 for each hour consumed.
3) The Hirer acknowledges that they are responsible for any cost associated with the use of the incorrect LPG fuel type.
10. 1) All bookings include a fixed number of miles per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights.
10. 2) Customers have the option to add extra miles packages or unlimited miles before their trip during the booking process.
10. 3) Any additional miles will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.
10.4 )For Subscription bookings, the number of included miles for free is per month or per year. For an additional cost, monthly packages of plus can be added to the booking. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.
11.1 Indie Campers provides comprehensive and collision insurance covering damage to the Vehicle with a deductible per occurrence, for which deductible you are responsible. Indie Campers also provides primary auto liability insurance that covers bodily injury (“BI”) and property damage (“PD”) liability coverage with limits no higher than the minimum amounts stated in the financial responsibility insurance (“FR”) laws of the state whose laws apply to the loss. Indie Campers insurance includes personal injury protection (“PIP”) or medical payments. Medical Payments are limited to $2,000 or the minimum amount required by the law of the state whose laws apply to the loss—whichever is higher. Indie Campers insurance also includes no‐fault, and uninsured/under‐insured motorist coverage up to the minimum amounts required by the laws of the state whose laws apply to the loss. Coverage is void if you violate the terms of this Agreement, or if you fail to cooperate in any loss investigation conducted by us or our insurer.
11.2 The renter is responsible for all damage to the Vehicle and damage or injury you cause to third parties that is not covered by our insurance policies or that is in excess of our insurance limits. The renter must: (a) report all damage to us and all accidents to us and the police as soon as you discover them and complete our incident report form; and (b) provide us with a legible copy of any service of process, pleading, or notice of any kind related to an accident or other incident involving the Vehicle.
11.2.1 Coverage under the Policy is void if you give the Vehicle to an Unauthorized Driver or otherwise materially breach this Agreement; or if you fail to cooperate in a loss investigation or to file a timely and accurate incident report.
11.3 You agree to and shall maintain automobile insurance (“Customer’s Insurance”) during the term of this rental agreement, providing the owner, the renter, and any other person using or operating the rental vehicle with the following primary coverage: (a) BI and PD liability coverage with limits at least at the minimum amounts stated in the FR laws of the state whose laws apply to the loss; (b) PIP, medical payments, no-fault, or similar coverage where required by law or otherwise; (c) uninsured (“UM”) and underinsured (”UIM”) coverage where required by law or otherwise, and (d) comprehensive and collision damage coverage extending to the rental vehicle. You hereby agree to provide and Customer’s Insurance shall provide at least the minimum limits of coverage required by the FR laws of the state where the loss occurs. You hereby agree that the Customer’s Insurance shall be used in the first instance needed or for any loss prior to use of our insurance, and you hereby agree to fully cooperate in any manner requested by us to insure that the Customer’s Insurance is promptly notified and processing such request for use of the Customer’s Insurance in relation to any loss or damage or as needed by us. In states where the law requires us to provide insurance, we will provide excess insurance only, up to the minimum limits required by the FR laws of the state where the loss occurs. The customer’s insurance will be primary. Any insurance we are required to provide applies to claims of BI and PD only. Our policy contains exclusions, conditions, and limitations applicable to anyone claiming coverage. Customer agrees to cooperate with our insurer if any claim is made. Our insurance applies to the United States (and allows the Customer to drive in Canada). You hereby agree that you must obtain our written consent and have or obtain special liability coverage from your insurance to cover, use, or operate the Vehicle in Mexico or any other location outside of the United States (except Canada). You may not operate the Vehicle outside of the United States (except Canada) without our written consent. Where permitted by law, You reject UM, UIM, supplemental, PIP, and no-fault coverages. Where we are required to provide any such coverage, You are afforded the minimum limits required by law. Any breach of this rental agreement will void any insurance coverage. You understand that you are not an additional insured under INDIE CAMPERS’s insurance for collision, upset and comprehensive damage to the Vehicle.
INDIE CAMPERS’s Liability Insurance Policy Number is 102353.
a. Charges and Costs. You will pay us at or before the conclusion of this rental, or on demand, all charges due us under this Agreement, including, but not limited to:
(a) the charges and fees shown on the Rental Agreement and all charges for the time and mileage rate set forth in the reservation for the initial Reservation Period;
(b) a mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with;
(c) any taxes, surcharges or other government-imposed fees that apply to the transaction;
(d) all expenses we incur locating and recovering the Vehicle if you fail to return it, return it to a location or office other than the location or office identified by us, or if we elect to repossess the Vehicle under the terms of this Agreement;
(e) all costs including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement;
(f) The cleaning fees of the Vehicle as stated on article 5º
(g) towing, impound, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle during this rental.
Special rental rates, vehicle category upgrades or any equipment or services provided to you free of charge only apply to the initially agreed upon rental period: If you return the Vehicle after the Due-In Date, you may be charged the standard rates for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In Date, which may be substantially higher than the rates for the initially agreed rental period. You also may be charged the standard fees for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In date for any equipment or services provided to you without charge for the initially agreed upon rental period. You will not receive a refund of prepaid amounts if you return the Vehicle before the Due-In Date. All Charges are subject to a final audit. If errors are found, you authorize us to correct the Charges with your payment card issuer.
b. Website Terms, Conditions and Cancellations. All other terms, charges and cancellations are pursuant to and must follow the terms and conditions found at https://indiecampers.com/terms-and-conditions (the “Website Terms”) which are hereby incorporated by reference, including, without limitation, the cancellation policies as it relates to cancellations by you or the host of the Vehicle. You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms.
c. Tolls and Traffic Violations. You are responsible for paying the applicable charging authorities directly for all tolls (“Tolls”) and parking citations, photo enforcement fees, fines for toll evasion, and other fines, fees, and penalties (each, a “Violation”) assessed against you, the Vehicle or us during the Rental Period. If we are notified by the charging authorities that we may be responsible for payment of a Toll or Violation, you will pay us or a processing firm of our choosing (“Processor”) the Violation, Toll, and an administrative fee of up to $60 for each such notification. You authorize us to release your rental and payment card information to the Processor for processing and billing purposes. If we or the Processor pays a Toll or Violation, you authorize us or the Processor to charge all such payments, service fees and administrative fees to the payment card you used in connection with this rental. For rentals with pick-up locations in the state of California, we will be responsible for any fines assessed against you, us, or the Vehicle that are based solely on the Vehicle’s lack of toll transponder.
d. Unpaid Damages on the Vehicle The Hirer acknowledges that is responsible for all costs of the following damages, irrespective of the Protection Plan that may have been taken. Damage identified below is specifically excluded from any Protection Plan Option and applies also to Subscription Bookings:
a) Any damage due to vehicle, when in breach of a clause in this Rental Agreement.
b) Any damage caused by willful conduct, influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance that reduces driving ability.
c) Any loss/damages/stolen personal belongings.
d) If the customer has a careless or negligent behavior of any kind or fails to abide by local road rules or Rental Firm instructions, resulting in damages to the vehicle, or third-party property.
e) The cost to retrieve or recover the vehicle from any restricted area, submerged, bogged, trapped, or abandoned, unless caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Hirer.
f) The cost to replace keys which have become damaged, lost, stolen, or locked inside the vehicle.
g) Drivers not identified in the Rental Agreement, or Drivers with a canceled, expired, suspended or seized driver’s license.
h) For any cost associated with the incorrect use of fuel.
i) All damages below side door lines or above the windscreen line such as roofs and related as well as Windshields, if there is no collision with third parties.
j) All damages caused by hitting an animal while driving.
k) Damages caused by the wind blowing up a door.
The security deposit can only be paid by credit/debit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit/debit card owner must be present at the pick-up. Only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will we accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. We recommend you check with your issuing bank whether your debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed.
You permit us to reserve against your credit or debit card at the beginning of the rental an amount up to three times the estimated total charges as a deposit, in no event less than $3000, or the amount listed on the Rental Agreement. We may use your deposit to pay any amounts owed to us under this Agreement. The deposit amount does not limit in any way the total amount owed to use under this Agreement. We will authorize the release of any excess Reserve upon the completion of your rental. Your debit/credit card issuer’s rules will apply to your account being credited for the excess, which may not be immediately available.
You release us, our agents and employees from all claims for loss of or damage to your personal property, including digital data or information from any mobile device that you link to any telematics device or system in the Vehicle, or that of any other person, that we received, handled or stored, or that was left or carried in or on the Vehicle or in any service vehicle or in our offices, whether or not the loss or damage was caused by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility. The Vehicle may be equipped with an infotainment system that permits you to pair your own mobile devices, and which may download your personal contacts, communications, location or other digital data. If you pair your device during the rental, you should unpair it and wipe all personal information from the Vehicle’s systems before returning it.
The acts listed in Paragraphs 6 and 7 are prohibited uses of the Vehicle and breaches of this Agreement. You will breach this agreement if you allow any person other than the Renter or an Authorized Driver to operate the Vehicle. If an Unauthorized Driver damages the Vehicle or injures others, we will hold you responsible for the damage. You waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or prosecutions taken against you by law enforcement arising out of your breach of this Agreement.
BY RENTING ANY VEHICLE OR USING ANY OTHER SERVICES OF THE COMPANY, YOU HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (A) No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing signed by one of the Company’s authorized representatives. INDIE CAMPERS counter representatives are not authorized to waive or change any term of this Agreement. If you wish to extend the rental period, you must return the Vehicle to our rental office for inspection and written amendment from us by the Due-In Date, unless explicitly authorized by INDIE CAMPERS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void. (B) The Company reserves the right, at our discretion and at any time, to make changes to any of the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation changes to any of the terms and conditions governing a rental of a Vehicle prior to inception, the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a), or the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 9(b)) (hereinafter “Updates to this Agreement”). (C) The Company may take any reasonable efforts to post any such Updates to this Agreement, including without limitation posting such Updates to this Agreement on the Company’s main website; (D) Rental of any Vehicle or continued use of any of the Company’s Services by you shall automatically constitute your immediate acceptance of and consent to all of the Updates to this Agreement and you will thereafter be bound by such Updates to this Agreement. (E) If you do not agree to such Updates to this Agreement, then you should immediately discontinue using the Company’s Services, including any Vehicle..
If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy, void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement. Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damages in connection with this rental or the reservation of a Vehicle.
READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. IT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS AND IMPACTS HOW CLAIMS YOU AND COMPANY MAY HAVE AGAINST EACH OTHER ARE DETERMINED (a) Governing Law. You hereby expressly agree that the laws of the State of Delaware, excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall govern the Agreement. (b) Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver. You and INDIE CAMPERS each waive their right to a jury trial or to participate in a class action pursuant to the following terms. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree to arbitrate all claims, controversies, or disputes of any kind (“claims”) against each other, including but not limited to claims arising out of or relating to this agreement, or our products and services, charges, advertisings, or rental vehicles including without limitation claims based on contract, tort (including intentional torts), fraud, agency, negligence, statutory or regulatory provisions or any other source of law. The arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have authority to resolve all disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this agreement, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement is void or voidable. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree that no claims will be asserted in any representative capacity on a class-wide or collective basis, that no arbitration forum will have jurisdiction to decide any claims on a class-wide or collective basis, and that no rules for class-wide or collective arbitration will apply. The parties agree, however, that either party may bring an individual action in a small claims court with valid jurisdiction provided that the action is not made part of a class action, private attorney general action or other representative or collective action. ´priThe parties also agree that claims involving a third-party insurance company separately providing coverage to you, personal injury claims, or claims relating to the application of your financial responsibility relating to the use or operation of Vehicle, may be brought in a court with valid jurisdiction.
Before asserting a claim in any proceeding, you and INDIE CAMPERS agree that either party shall give the other party written notice of the claim to be asserted thirty (30) days before initiating a proceeding and make a reasonable good faith effort to resolve the claim. If you are intending to assert a claim against INDIE CAMPERS, you must send the written notice of the claim to Attention: legal@indiecampers.com. If INDIE CAMPERS is intending to assert a claim against you, we will send the written notice of the claim to you at your address appearing in our records. No demand for arbitration may be made after the date when the institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitation. No settlement demand or settlement offer used prior to any legal proceeding may be used in any proceeding including as evidence or as an admission of any liability or damages (or lack thereof) and shall remain confidential between you and INDIE CAMPERS. If you and INDIE CAMPERS do not resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after the above described notice is received, either party may commence an arbitration by filing a demand for arbitration with the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) pursuant to its Consumer Arbitration Rules. Claims will be resolved pursuant to the AAA’s Commercial Consumer Arbitration Rules in effect at the time of the demand, as modified by this Agreement, however, a single arbitrator will be selected according to AAA’s Consumer Arbitration Rules. The AAA rules can be found at www.adr.org. This arbitration agreement is subject to the Federal Arbitration Act. The arbitrator has no authority to join or consolidate claims, or adjudicate joined and consolidated claims. The parties agree that the arbitrator’s decision and award will be final and binding and may be confirmed or challenged in any court with jurisdiction as permitted under the Federal Arbitration Act. If you are an individual, in the event that (1) your claim is less than $10,000, and (2) you are able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to costs of litigation, INDIE CAMPERS will pay as much of your filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to the cost of litigation. You are responsible for all other costs/fees that you incur in arbitration (e.g. fees for attorneys, expert witnesses, etc.). If any portion of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section or the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section are deemed to be invalid or unenforceable or is found not to apply to a claim, the remainder of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section and the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section remain in full force and effect. However, if the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section is deemed unenforceable, any class action claim(s) must proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction.
a. Company’s Privacy Policy. You hereby agree that us of any and all Company Services, including without limitation your rental of any Vehicle, is subject to the Company’s Privacy Notice, a copy of which is available here https://indiecampers.com/privacy, and which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement (the “Privacy Policy”). IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OR USES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION AS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 18(B) BELOW, THE COLLECTION, USE, DISCLOSURE AND OTHER PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS GOVERNED BY THE COMPANY PRIVACY POLICY. AS A RESULT OF SUCH INCORPORATION, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE COMPANY’S PRIVACY POLICY, AS IT MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMPANY. b. Additional Provisions About Use of Personal Information. In addition to any rights given to the Company pursuant to the Company’s Privacy Policy with regard to the use of any of your personal information, you further agree that: (i) the information that you provide to Us may be used to the fullest extent permitted by law; (ii) You agree that We may, and you hereby authorize Us to, provide personal information in Our possession about you and other Authorized Drivers (including driver’s name, address, cellular/mobile and other phone numbers, driver’s license and/or credit/debit card information) to applicable authorities or other third parties in connection with our enforcement of our rights under this Agreement and for other legitimate business purposes, including disclosure to our affiliates or other third parties that conduct services on our behalf; and (iii) and you consent to us or our representatives contacting you. If you have any questions about this provisions or any of the provisions in the Company’s Privacy Policy, please contact the Company as follows: Indie Campers USA Inc. 1201 N Orange Street Suite #805 Wilmington DE 19801-1186.
The Authorized Drivers hereby agree to abide by all child safety rules and regulations as applicable by state law, including, but not limited to, safety belt and not leaving children unattended. In California, it is illegal to leave a child 6 years or younger unattended in a motor vehicle. As may vary state by state, children must be secured properly in the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, using federally-approved child passenger restraint system or safety belts depending on the height and age of the child. Some states and local jurisdictions may require federally approved, crash-tested child restraint devices be used. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN CALIFORNIA -- Your child must be secured by either a federally-approved child passenger restraint system or a safety belt depending on their height and age. Children under 2 years old must be secured in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system unless the child is 40 pounds or more, or 3 feet 4 inches or taller. Children under 8 years old, or who are less than 4 feet 9 inches tall, must be properly secured in a federally-approved child passenger restraint system. A child may not ride in the front seat of an airbag equipped vehicle if they are in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system. Children who are 8 years old or older OR who have reached at least 4 feet 9 inches in height may use a properly secured safety belt meeting federal standards.
a. The terms and conditions of the following are hereby incorporated by this reference into the Agreement: (i) the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 9(b) ) herein, which can be found at https://indiecampers.com/terms-and-conditions , and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms, including, without limitation, any other charges and cancellation policies provided therein; (ii) the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a)) herein, which can be found at https://indiecampers.com/privacy, and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Privacy Policy, including, without limitation, any amendments thereto; and (iii) any other documents, addenda, or additional materials that we provide to you at any time during any rental of any Vehicle or that you may otherwise sign or consent to at any time during any such rental (collectively referred to as “Addenda or Additional Materials”). (b) If there is a conflict or ambiguity between the underlying Rental Agreement, the Website Terms, the Privacy Policy, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for US Only, and any Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 20(a)), then you agree to this priority: (i) first, the Website Terms shall control, and (ii) then, next, the terms of this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for US Only document shall control.
24.1 Entire Agreement; Waiver; Severability. The Agreement (including without limitation the underlying Rental Agreement, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for US Only document, the Company’s Website Terms, the Company’s Privacy Policy, and the Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 20(a)), constitutes the entire contract and agreement between Company and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and replaces any prior agreements we might have had between us regarding such subject matter. The Company ’s failure to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect 24.2 Remedies. You acknowledge that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for your breach of the Agreement and therefore you hereby agree that the Company shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a court or arbitration panel of competent jurisdiction without necessity of posting a bond and without having to plead and prove lack of an adequate remedy at law. 24.3 Binding Effect; No Assignment by Client; Permissible Assignment by Company. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party’s respective successors and lawful assigns; provided, however, you do not have the right to assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company (which it may or may not grant in its discretion). Any purported assignment in violation of this Section 21.3 shall be void. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement, or any part of it, in its sole discretion to any party, and all covenants and agreements hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by such successors and assigns. 24.4. Counterparts. The Agreement, and any portions thereof, may be executed, assented to, and/or delivered in one or more counterparts, whether in .pdf, electronic format, email, or fax, or by electronically consenting to the same, each of which is deemed an original and all of which together is one and the same.
Vehicles are not permitted to enter Mexico at any time
Vehicles are not allow to be driven at beaches
Denali Highway in Alaska (Highway 8 from Paxson to Cantwell)
North Canol Highway in the Yukon
Dalton Highway (north of Livengood)
Eagle, Alaska (Hwy 5 north) from the junction of Hwy 9 (Top of the World Highway) and Hwy 5 west
McCarthy Road between Chitina and McCarthy, Alaska
Northway Road (off AK-2) to Northway
Nabesna Road (off AK-1) to Nabesna
Highway 500 (Trans Labrador Highway) from Goose Bay to Labrador City
Highway 389 from Labrador City to Baie Comeau
Highway 510 from Red Bay to Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Highway 167 north of La Doré
Highway 109 and Baie James Road, Quebec.
Manhattan Island, USA
MANHATTAN Due to restrictions on vehicle heights, propane gas and parking, vehicles with propane are not permitted in Manhattan and are not permitted to travel through any underground or underwater tunnels.
Travel Restricted Areas Travel on the Dempster Highway in the Yukon is not permitted between 15 September and 15 May due to road conditions. We are happy for our Guests to travel on this road between 16 May and 14 September
Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy - Effective Date: 29.01.2024
This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.
26.1. Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 26.7
26.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:
26.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value.
During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately.
Traveller also understands that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking
If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage.
26.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.
26.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:
For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.
26.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:
In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.
26.3. Payment and Refund Considerations:
The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.
26.4 Applicability to Indie Campers Fleet Rental Reservation:
This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time
26.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.
As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travellers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.
Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.
Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.
Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.
Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.
Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.
Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.
26.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.
26. 7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions - Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the traveller you will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy
26.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy
26.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.
26.8.2 Booking Payment Options
First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:
For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.
If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage
If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.
Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.
If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.
Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:
For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.
26.8.3 Specific-City Cancelation Policies: During the Checkout process, some locations may have a specific cancelation policy.
26.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.
RENTAL AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR CANADA ONLY ( 1º Party) (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”)
1. Definitions.
The following terms have the following meaning in the Agreement:
“Additional Driver” means a person we list on the Rental Agreement. “Authorized Driver” means the Renter and any Additional Driver, as being any driver noted in the underlying Rental Agreement as an authorized driver, and any other individual only where required by applicable provincial law. Only Authorized Drivers are permitted to drive the Vehicle.
"Authorized Drivers" are the only persons permitted to drive the Vehicle. To the extent permitted by law, we may charge an additional fee for each Authorized Driver (other than the Renter). Only 1 Authorized Driver is included in the basic protection plan. To get up to 3 authorized drivers the premium protection plan is required. Any additional Authorized Drivers must be present at the time of rental and meet age and driver’s license requirements. Additional Authorized Drivers are allowed with the Basic Protection Plan, with no additional cost, for the following cases: Spouse, child, sibling, parent or grandparent, the Renter's business partner, employer or fellow associate.
“Diminished Value” means the difference between the value of the Vehicle immediately prior to damage or loss, and the value of the Vehicle after repair or replacement.
“Company” means Indie Campers Inc. and any affiliates, subsidiaries and assigns;
"NON- Canadian Citizen Authorized Drivers" are non-Canadian-citizens that present a valid ID/Passport as well as a valid driver's license and comply with the previous paragraphs of this article.
“Renter” is the person or entity identified in the Underlying Rental Agreement (as defined herein) as the renter of the Vehicle.
“Rental Agreement” or the “underlying Rental Agreement” means the rental vehicle agreement that you consent and agree to at the inception of any rental or other use of any Vehicle
“Unauthorized Driver” means anyone who is not an Authorized Driver, nor any Additional Driver, nor any other individual as required by applicable provincial law. Agreement provided that each such person has a valid driver's license issued by any province or territory within for the duration of the rental period or their reservation period (or any other kind of license to use or operate the vehicle as required by provincial law), whichever period is longer and is at least 21 years of age.
“Vehicle” means the motor vehicle identified in the underlying Rental Agreement and any vehicle we substitute it for, and all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys, and Vehicle documents, but “Vehicle” does not include portable navigation devices or other optional equipment (“Optional Equipment”) that you rent from us.
“Vehicle License Fee” means our estimate of the average per day per vehicle portion of charges imposed by governmental authorities on us, including our total annual vehicle licensing, titling, plating, inspection, and registration costs, or to recover other similar charges as permitted by applicable law.
2. Rental, Indemnity, and No Warranties.
The Agreement is a binding contract for rental of the Vehicle. The price you are provided on your Rental Agreement is only for the rental period specified on the Rental Agreement. If you return your Vehicle early or late your price is subject to change. To the extent permitted by law, we may terminate this Agreement and repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you, if you breach this Agreement or if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to indemnify us, defend us, and hold us harmless from all claims, liability, costs and including lawyer fees on a solicitor-client basis which we incur resulting from or arising out of this rental and your use of the Vehicle; and We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. You agree not to alter the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment. If you or an Authorized Driver determine the Vehicle or any Optional Equipment is unsafe, you or the Authorized Driver shall stop operating the Vehicle or Optional Equipment and notify us immediately.
3. Electronic Communications, Telematics Notice and Release.
You acknowledge that the Vehicle may be equipped with a telematics device, global positioning satellite (“GPS”) technology, an electronic locator device, and/or an event data recorder. We may find, monitor, or disable the Vehicle through such systems if we deem it necessary, without warning or notice, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Remote monitoring may include the collection of Vehicle data, such as location, odometer, oil life, fuel level, tire pressure, battery charge, diagnostic trouble codes, and other elements that we may deem necessary. We are not responsible for the operability of any telematics navigational or other system included with the Vehicle. You acknowledge these systems may use cellular telephone, wireless technology, Bluetooth technology, or radio signals to transmit data, and therefore your privacy cannot be guaranteed. You authorize any person’s use or disclosure of or access to location information, automatic crash notification, and operational vehicle reporting conditions of Vehicle as permitted by law. You shall inform any and all drivers and passengers of vehicle of the terms of this section and that you have authorized release of information as provided herein. You agree to release us and agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless for any damage to persons or property caused by failure of the telematics device to operate properly, or otherwise arising from the use of the telematics device. Third party telematics service providers are not our agents, employees, or contractors. Your use of a telematics system during the rental is subject to the terms of service and privacy policy of the third-party telematics system provider. The Vehicle may collect and store personal information if you chose to connect your smartphone or other device to the Vehicle’s Infotainment System. INDIE CAMPERS does not access, collect, or use any information that may be stored by the Infotainment System. If you choose to connect your device to the Infotainment System, you are representing that you understand that information from your device may be stored by the Vehicle’s Infotainment System.
4. Condition Vehicle and Return of Vehicle.
4.1 A vehicle exchange can only take place in the situations described below:
4.1.1. During the rental period the vehicle has suffered an accident, damage, engine failure or similar situations in which the vehicle is not drivable: a) The vehicle will be sent to a workshop b) The deposit of the first vehicle will be charged c) The customer will receive a new vehicle of the same category with a new deposit.
4.1.2 During the rental period in the event of negligent damage to the vehicle: a) The deposit will be charged b) In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover the damage the remainder will also be charged to the client c) If the deposit has been charged the client will be entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit d) In the event that the deposit has not been collected the client will not be entitled to a new vehicle
4.1.3 During the rental period if the vehicle is damaged due to unforeseen circumstances: a)The deposit will be charged b) The Renter is entitled to a new vehicle and must pay a new deposit
4.14. In circumstances where a new deposit is required the Renter who previously had a protection plan premium may only choose a protection plan basic for the new booking. Indie Campers does not authorize the upgrade of the protection plan when changing vehicles.
4.2 You must return the Vehicle to our rental office or other location we identify, on the date and time specified in this Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear. If the Vehicle is returned to any other office or location or left somewhere other than the office or location identified by us, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it. In addition, you authorize us to charge your credit or debit card a one-way charge or service fee plus any additional costs incurred by us in the return of the Vehicle. If the Vehicle is returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the safety of and damage to or loss of the Vehicle until we inspect it upon our next opening for business. Service to the Vehicle or replacement of parts or accessories during the rental must have our prior written approval. You must check and maintain all fluid levels, check that the Vehicle is in a roadworthy condition, lock the Vehicle at all times when you are not operating it, and return the Vehicle with at least the same amount of fuel as when rented. No refund or credit shall be issued if you return the Vehicle with a greater amount of fuel than when you received it. If the vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged a fee of 100 CAD for every 1⁄4 tank missing.
5. Responsibility for Vehicle Damage or Loss and Third-Party Damages; Reporting to Police; Responsibility for Fees; Responsibility for Optional Equipment. Liabilities.
5.1 You are responsible for all damage to, and for loss or theft of, the Vehicle including damage caused by collision, weather, road conditions and acts of nature, even if you are not at fault. You are responsible for the cost of repair, or the actual cash retail value of the Vehicle on the date of the loss if the Vehicle is not repairable or if we elect not to repair the Vehicle. You are also responsible for Loss of Use (without regard to fleet utilization), Diminished Value, our administrative expenses incurred for processing a claim, and all other damages permitted by law that may apply or govern. You must report all accidents and incidents of theft and vandalism to us and the police as soon as you discover them. Your responsibility for damage to or loss of the Vehicle is limited by law in the following jurisdictions:
FOR RENTALS WITH PICK-UP LOCATIONS IN ALBERTA, BRITISH COLUMBIA OR ONTARIO – You are responsible for all damage to and loss of the Vehicle caused by collision whether or not you are at fault. Your responsibility will include: (a) all physical and mechanical damage to the Vehicle measured as follows: (i) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, the fair market value of the Vehicle calculated in accordance with the province in which the Vehicle was picked up; (ii) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable: the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair up to the fair market value; (b) an administrative fee in accordance with the province in which the Vehicle was picked up; and (c) all actual charges for towing, storage, and impound fees. You are also responsible for missing equipment. You are responsible for loss due to theft of the Vehicle and all damage due to vandalism that occurs in connection with a theft if you fail to exercise ordinary care while in possession of the Vehicle. You are responsible for damage due to vandalism not associated with theft of the Vehicle up to a maximum related to the fair market value of the vehicle. Permitting a person who is not an Authorized Driver to use the Vehicle is not an exercise of ordinary care, but a willful and reckless act, and is a breach of this Agreement.
5.2 Optional Equipment. Upon request and subject to availability, we offer certain Optional Equipment, considered as extras, for your use during the rental at an additional charge. All Optional Equipment is rented “AS IS” and must be returned to us at the end of the rental in the same condition as when rented. Optional Equipment is not part of the Vehicle. You are responsible for any loss or damage to any Optional Equipment regardless of the cause. You should review the operational instructions for all Optional Equipment before leaving the rental location. If you rent a Child Seat from us, you have the sole responsibility to inspect and properly install the seat yourself. We make no warranties, express, implied, or apparent, regarding the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment, no warranty of merchantability, and no warranty that the Child Seat or any other Optional Equipment is fit for a particular purpose. You are responsible for all injury or damage arising out of, or related to your use of the Child Seat, or any other Optional Equipment. If you choose to rent a Global Positioning Device (“GPS”) from us, you are responsible for returning it in the same condition as when rented with all accessories provided, including the carrying case, the car charger, the windshield mount, any additional accessories and (“GPS Accessories”). If the GPS or GPS Accessories are lost or damaged so as to, in our sole opinion, require repair or replacement, you will pay us the fair market value for its repair or replacement.
5.3 Use of Vehicle in a Camping Location. If you will be using the Vehicle in any camping location, park, or similar location, you hereby agree to park, use and operate the Vehicle in such location in compliance with the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location, paying for all fees in relation to parking, driving, using, or operating the Vehicle at such location, and to adhere to all rules, codes, guidances, and requirements of such location and related to the use of the such location.
5.4 Return of Vehicle. You must return the Vehicle at the due-in date in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear and tear. You must clean the Vehicle and remove all articles, properties, equipment, or items that you, the Authorized Driver or any of your passengers brought into the Vehicle.
5.4.1 Cleaning Fees Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 50 CAD if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto. 5.4.2 Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 100 CAD if the grey water tank its not empty and 150 CAD for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
5.4.3 Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 125 CAD if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on i) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
6. General Prohibited Use of the Vehicle.
6.1 We will not waive any responsibility, if you gave us false, fraudulent or misleading information prior to the rental or during the rental or to extend the rental period, and we would not have rented the Vehicle to you or extended the rental period, if we were given true information; or if you fail to notify us and the police and/or RCMP of an accident, theft or vandalism involving the Vehicle, or if damage to or loss of the Vehicle is the result of a prohibited use, including damage or loss that: (a) is caused by anyone who is not an Authorized Driver; (b) is caused by anyone under the influence of a drug or alcohol; (c) occurs while the Vehicle is used during the commission of a felony or other crime, other than a minor traffic violation; (d) occurs while carrying persons or property for hire, while pushing or towing anything, during any race, speed test or contest, or while teaching anyone to drive; (e) results from carrying dangerous, hazardous, or illegal material; (f) results from use of the Vehicle outside the geographic area specified on the Rental Agreement, or from use in Mexico; (g) is caused by driving on unpaved roads; (h) occurs while transporting more persons than the Vehicle has seat belts, while carrying persons outside the passenger compartment, or while transporting children without approved child safety seats as required by law; (i) occurs when the odometer has been tampered with or disconnected; (j) occurs when the Vehicle’s fluid levels are low, or it is otherwise reasonable to expect you to know that further operation would damage the Vehicle; (k) is caused by carrying anything on the roof, trunk or hood of the Vehicle, or by inadequately secured cargo inside the Vehicle, or by an animal transported in the Vehicle; (l) occurs when the Vehicle is unlocked, or the keys or key fob are lost, stolen or left in the Vehicle when not operating it; (m) is caused, where applicable, by anyone who lacks experience operating a manual transmission; (n) results from failure to allow sufficient height or width clearance; (o) results from your willful, wanton or reckless act or misconduct; (p) results from fueling with a type of fuel improper for the specific Vehicle; (q) results from driving or operating the Vehicle while using a hand-held wireless communication device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages while not in a hands-free mode; or results from failure to adhere to the distracted driving laws in the jurisdiction in which the Vehicle is driven. In the event of a loss due to theft of the Vehicle, we will not waive your responsibility for the loss unless you return to us all the Vehicle keys or ignition devices we gave you at the time of rental. You are responsible for all collision damage to the Vehicle even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the Vehicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees, subject to renter’s liability, Your own insurance, or the issuer of the credit card you use to pay for the vehicle rental transaction, may cover all or part of your financial responsibility for the Vehicle. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. Further, if you use a credit card that provides coverage for your potential liability, you should check with the issuer to determine if you must first exhaust the coverage limits of your own insurance before the credit card coverage applies. You will be held responsible if, in each case: (a) damage or loss results from an Authorized Driver’s (i) intentional, willful, wanton, or reckless conduct, (ii) operation of the Vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol in violation of Section 253 of the Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46 and other applicable laws, (iii) towing or pushing anything, or (iv) operation of the vehicle on an unpaved road if the damage or loss is a direct result of the road or driving conditions; (b) damage or loss occurs while the Vehicle is (i) used for commercial hire, (ii) used in connection with conduct that could be properly charged as an indictable offense, (iii) involved in a speed test or contest or in driver training activity, (iv) operated by a person other than an Authorized Driver, or (v) operated outside Canada; or (c) an Authorized Driver has provided fraudulent information or false information to us and we would not have rented the vehicle if we had instead received true information.
6.2 Lost or Damaged Keys or Key Fobs. Even if you do not violate the terms detailed in paragraph 6 above, you will be responsible for the following: a) a service fee for replacing the keys or key fob and delivering replacement keys or key fobs or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lose the keys or key fob to the Vehicle; and b) a service fee for delivering replacement keys or key fob or towing the Vehicle to the nearest INDIE CAMPERS location if you lock the keys or key fob in the Vehicle and request assistance from INDIE CAMPERS, flat tire service, and jumpstarts.
7. Specific Prohibited Uses.
7.1 Where permitted by law, in addition to the prohibitions listed above in the General Prohibited Uses section, unless granted permission by INDIE CAMPERS, it shall be considered prohibited uses of the Vehicle (“Prohibited Uses”) where the Vehicle is used, operated or driven in the following: • By anyone without first obtaining INDIE CAMPERS’s written consent; • By anyone who is not a qualified and licensed driver with the proper licenses as required by applicable provincial law; • By anyone whose driving license is suspended in any jurisdiction; • To use or operate the Vehicle outside of Canada. Any use or operation of the Vehicle outside of Canada • To use or operate the Vehicle outside of Canada, without our written consent and without first having or obtaining special liability coverage with your insurance applicable to use or operate the Vehicle in such applicable location or country; • To carry persons or property for hire, livery, On-Demand service, or Transportation Network Company (Uber, Lyft, etc.); • To carry dangerous or hazardous items or illegal material; • To teach anyone to drive; • To propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object; • In any race, test or contest; • For or in furtherance of any crime or illegal purpose or in the commission of a crime; • To instruct an unlicensed person in operation of vehicle; • If the vehicle is obtained from INDIE CAMPERS by fraud or misrepresentation; • To carry persons other than in the passenger compartment of the Vehicle; • Loading the vehicle beyond its rated capacity; • Parking, using or operating the Vehicle in a camping or exclusive location in violation of the laws of such location, including, but not limited to, not obtaining all proper licenses and permits to park, use or operate the Vehicle in such location; • While under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants such as drugs or narcotics or under any other physical or mental impairment which adversely affects the driver’s ability to operate the Vehicle; • By anyone under the influence of a prescription or non-prescription drug or alcohol; • Smoking or vaping in the Vehicle; • Using or operating the Vehicle after an accident with the Vehicle unless and until you summon the police to the accident scene; • Intentionally causing damage to or loss of the Vehicle; • Used or operated in the driver’s seat by anyone younger than the minimum age set forth in this Agreement; • Using the Vehicle in violation of any “rules of the Road” or vehicle safety and operations training or instructions that we provide to you at the time of rental; • Sitting, standing or lying on the roof of the Vehicle; • Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle on other than a paved road or graded private road or driveway; and • Driving, using, or operating the Vehicle in an unsafe, reckless, grossly negligent, or wanton manner. Violating a traffic law or receiving a ticket in an accident is not automatically a violation of this provision, but may be an indication that a violation of this provision has occurred. Prohibited use of the Vehicle violates this agreement, voids all liability and other insurance coverage (where permitted by law), makes Vehicle subject to immediate recovery by INDIE CAMPERS, and makes you responsible for all loss of or damage to or connected with the Vehicle, regardless of the cause, including but not limited to INDIE CAMPERS’s expenses, including loss of use.
7.2 TRAVEL IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN AT ALL TIMES: • Vehicles are not permitted to enter Mexico at any time • Vehicles are not allow to be driven at beaches • Denali Highway in Alaska (Highway 8 from Paxson to Cantwell) • North Canol Highway in the Yukon • Dalton Highway (north of Livengood) • Eagle, Alaska (Hwy 5 north) from the junction of Hwy 9 (Top of the World Highway) and Hwy 5 west • McCarthy Road between Chitina and McCarthy, Alaska • Northway Road (off AK-2) to Northway • Nabesna Road (off AK-1) to Nabesna • Highway 500 (Trans Labrador Highway) from Goose Bay to Labrador City • Highway 389 from Labrador City to Baie Comeau • Highway 510 from Red Bay to Happy Valley-Goose Bay • Highway 167 north of La Doré • Highway 109 and Baie James Road, Quebec. • Manhattan Island, USA
7.3 Travel Restricted Areas • Travel on the Dempster Highway in the Yukon is not permitted between 15 September and 15 May due to road conditions. We are happy for our Guests to travel on this road between 16 May and 14 September
8. Propane and Gas Policy
8.1 Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of propane (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas.
8.2 Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove with tank gauge: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas.
8.3 Additional propane or gas cartilages or refills can be purchased throughout the rental period at the Hirer's own expense
9. Generator Policy.
9.1 Some vehicle models offer generators. The value of the fee per hour of usage, as determined by an installed running time meter, is communicated during the booking process. The total charge will be charged at drop-off.
10. Mileage Policy.
1)All bookings include a fixed number of kilometers per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights. 2) Customers have the option to add extra kilometers packages or unlimited kilometers before their trip during the booking process. 3) Any additional kilometers will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model. The value of the fee per extra km/mile for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.
10.4 In order for the Buyer to pick up the Vehicle, the Buyer needs to be accompanied by the proof of registration and the license plate plaques (a temporary registration is sufficient) plus proof of insurance.
11. Insurance.
We provide comprehensive and collision insurance covering damage to the Vehicle with a deductible per occurrence, for which deductible you are responsible. We also provide primary auto liability insurance that covers bodily injury (“BI”) and property damage (“PD”) liability coverage with limits no higher than the minimum amounts stated in the automobile insurance (“AI”) laws of the province whose laws apply to the loss. Our insurance includes personal injury protection (“PIP”) or medical payments. Medical Payments are limited to $2,000 or the minimum amount required by the law of the province whose laws apply to the loss—whichever is higher. Our insurance also includes no‐fault, and uninsured/under‐insured motorist coverage up to the minimum amounts required by the laws of the province whose laws apply to the loss. Coverage is void if you violate the terms of this Agreement, or if you fail to cooperate in any loss investigation conducted by us or our insurer. You are responsible for all damage to the Vehicle and damage or injury you cause to third parties that is not covered by our insurance policies or that is in excess of our insurance limits. You must: (a) report all damage to us and all accidents to us and the police/RCMP as soon as you discover them and complete our incident report form; and (b) provide us with a legible copy of any service of motion, pleading, or notice of any kind related to an accident or other incident involving the Vehicle. Coverage under the Policy is void if you give the Vehicle to an Unauthorized Driver or otherwise materially breach this Agreement; or if you fail to cooperate in a loss investigation or to file a timely and accurate incident report. You agree to and shall maintain automobile insurance (“Customer’s Insurance”) during the term of this rental agreement, providing the owner, the renter, and any other person using or operating the rental vehicle with the following primary coverage: (a) BI and PD liability coverage with limits at least at the minimum amounts stated in the AIlaws of the province whose laws apply to the loss; (b) PIP, medical payments, no-fault, or similar coverage where required by law or otherwise; (c) uninsured (“UM”) and underinsured (”UIM”) coverage where required by law or otherwise, and (d) comprehensive and collision damage coverage extending to the rental vehicle. You hereby agree to provide and Customer’s Insurance shall provide at least the minimum limits of coverage required by the AI laws of the province where the loss occurs. You hereby agree that the Customer’s Insurance shall be used in the first instance needed or for any loss prior to use of our insurance, and you hereby agree to fully cooperate in any manner requested by us to insure that the Customer’s Insurance is promptly notified and processing such request for use of the Customer’s Insurance in relation to any loss or damage or as needed by us. In provinces where the law requires us to provide insurance, we will provide excess insurance only, up to the minimum limits required by the AI laws of the province where the loss occurs. The customer’s insurance will be primary. Any insurance we are required to provide applies to claims of BI and PD only. Our policy contains exclusions, conditions, and limitations applicable to anyone claiming coverage. Customer agrees to cooperate with our insurer if any claim is made. Our insurance applies only in Canada. You hereby agree that you must obtain our written consent and have or obtain special liability coverage from your insurance to cover, use or operate the Vehicle in the United States or Mexico, or any other location outside of Canada. You may not operate the Vehicle outside of Canada without our written consent. Where permitted by law, You reject UM, UIM, supplemental, PIP, and no-fault coverages. Where we are required to provide any such coverage, You are afforded the minimum limits required by law. Any breach of this rental agreement will void any insurance coverage. You understand that you are not an additional insured under INDIE CAMPERS’s insurance for collision, upset and comprehensive damage to the Vehicle.
11.2 The insurance is subjected to a validation process involving the insurance company. The insurance company will request certain details and the customer is obliged to provide the necessary information. The provided information will be treated by the designated company for verification purposes. The insurance company reserves the right to approve or deny the insurance based on the provided details. In case the insurance company does not approve the customer's insurance, the booking will be denied, if the insurance is not obtained prior to the scheduled pick-up date, your booking may be canceled.
11.3 The insurace company may ask questions regarding: Driver's History, Driver's License ;Personal Auto Policy ; Travel Plans, but not limited to.
12. Charges, Tolls, Traffic Violations and Costs
12.1 Charges and Costs. You will pay us at or before the conclusion of this rental, or on demand, all charges due us under this Agreement, including, but not limited to: (a) the charges and fees shown on the Rental Agreement and all charges for the time and mileage rate set forth in the reservation for the initial Reservation Period; (b) a mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer is tampered with; (c) any taxes, surcharges or other government-imposed fees that apply to the transaction; (d) all expenses we incur locating and recovering the Vehicle if you fail to return the Vehicle, return it to a location or office other than the location or office identified by us, or if we elect to repossess the Vehicle under the terms of this Agreement; (e) all costs including pre- and post-judgment attorney fees on a solicitor - client basis which we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this Agreement; (f) a reasonable fee to clean the Vehicle if returned substantially less clean than when rented or if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle or any fees required as a result of any bugs, flees, cockroaches, bed bugs, rats or other pests found inside the Vehicle following your use, if applicable; and (g) towing, impound, storage charges, forfeitures, court costs, penalties and all other costs we incur resulting from your use of the Vehicle during this rental. Special rental rates, vehicle category upgrades or any equipment or services provided to you free of charge only apply to the initially agreed upon rental period: If you return the Vehicle after the Due-In Date , you may be charged the standard rates for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In Date, which may be substantially higher than the rates for the initially agreed rental period. You also may be charged the standard fees for each day (or partial day) after the Due-In date for any equipment or services provided to you without charge for the initially agreed upon rental period. You will not receive a refund of prepaid amounts if you return the Vehicle before the Due-In Date. All Charges are subject to a final audit. If errors are found, you authorize us to correct the Charges with your payment card issuer. b. Website Terms, Conditions and Cancellations. All other terms, charges and cancellations are pursuant to and must follow the terms and conditions found at https://indiecampers.com/terms-and-conditions (the “Website Terms”) which are hereby incorporated by reference, including, without limitation, the cancellation policies as it relates to cancellations by you or the host of the Vehicle. You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms. c. Tolls and Traffic Violations. You are responsible for paying the applicable charging authorities directly for all tolls (“Tolls”) and parking citations, photo enforcement fees, fines for toll evasion, and other fines, fees, and penalties (each, a “Violation”) assessed against you, the Vehicle or us during the Rental Period. If we are notified by the charging authorities that we may be responsible for payment of a Toll or Violation, you will pay us or a processing firm of our choosing (“Processor”) the Violation, Toll, and an administrative fee of up to $60 for each such notification. You authorize us to release your rental and payment card information to the Processor for processing and billing purposes. If we or the Processor pays a Toll or Violation, you authorize us or the Processor to charge all such payments, service fees and administrative fees to the payment card you used in connection with this rental.
13. Deposit.
13.1 The security deposit can only be paid by credit/debit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit/debit card owner must be present at the pick-up. Only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will we accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. We recommend you check with your issuing bank whether your debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed.
13.2 You permit us to reserve against your credit or debit card at the beginning of the rental an amount up to three times the estimated total charges as a deposit, in no event less than $3000, or the amount listed on the Rental Agreement. We may use your deposit to pay any amounts owed to us under this Agreement. The deposit amount does not limit in any way the total amount owed to use under this Agreement. We will authorize the release of any excess Reserve upon the completion of your rental. Your debit/credit card issuer’s rules will apply to your account being credited for the excess, which may not be immediately available.
13.3 All departures from select locations will require an increased Security Deposit of 2,499$ , in order to ensure vehicles are returned in the same manner they are offered. Additionally, the Premium Protection Plan is not available for these bookings.
14. Your Property.
15. Breach of Agreement.
15.1 The acts listed in Paragraphs 6 and 7 are prohibited uses of the Vehicle and breaches of this Agreement. You will breach this agreement if you allow any person other than the Renter or an Authorized Driver to operate the Vehicle. If an Unauthorized Driver damages the Vehicle or injures others, we will hold you responsible for the damage. You waive all recourse against us for any criminal reports or prosecutions taken against you by law enforcement arising out of your breach of this Agreement.
16. Modifications.
BY RENTING ANY VEHICLE OR USING ANY OTHER SERVICES OF THE COMPANY, YOU HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: (A) No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by in writing signed by one of the Company’s authorized representatives. INDIE CAMPERS counter representatives are not authorized to waive or change any term of this Agreement. If you wish to extend the rental period, you must return the Vehicle to our rental office for inspection and written amendment from us by the Due-In Date, unless explicitly authorized by INDIE CAMPERS. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void. (B) The Company reserves the right, at our discretion and at any time, to make changes to any of the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation changes to any of the terms and conditions governing a rental of a Vehicle prior to inception, the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a), or the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 9(b)) (hereinafter “Updates to this Agreement”). (C) The Company may take any reasonable efforts to post any such Updates to this Agreement, including without limitation posting such Updates to this Agreement on the Company’s main website; (D) Rental of any Vehicle or continued use of any of the Company’s Services by you shall automatically constitute your immediate acceptance of and consent to all of the Updates to this Agreement and you will thereafter be bound by such Updates to this Agreement. (E) If you do not agree to such Updates to this Agreement, then you should immediately discontinue using the Company’s Services, including any Vehicle..
17. Severability.
If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy, void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
18. Waiver.
A waiver by us of any breach of this Agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this Agreement. Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, you release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damages in connection with this rental or the reservation of a Vehicle.
19. Governing Law; Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver
READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. IT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS AND IMPACTS HOW CLAIMS YOU AND COMPANY MAY HAVE AGAINST EACH OTHER ARE DETERMINED (a) Governing Law. You hereby expressly agree that the laws of the Province of Alberta excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall govern the Agreement. (b) Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver. You and INDIE CAMPERS each waive their right to a jury trial or to participate in a class action pursuant to the following terms. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree to arbitrate all claims, controversies, or disputes of any kind (“claims”) against each other, including but not limited to claims arising out of or relating to this agreement, or our products and services, charges, advertisings, or rental vehicles including without limitation claims based on contract, tort (including intentional torts), fraud, agency, negligence, statutory or regulatory provisions or any other source of law. The arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court or agency, shall have authority to resolve all disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability, or formation of this agreement, including but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this agreement is void or voidable. You and INDIE CAMPERS agree that no claims will be asserted in any representative capacity on a class-wide or collective basis, that no arbitration forum will have jurisdiction to decide any claims on a class-wide or collective basis, and that no rules for class-wide or collective arbitration will apply. The parties agree, however, that either party may bring an individual action in a small claims court with valid jurisdiction provided that the action is not made part of a class action, private attorney general action or other representative or collective action. The parties also agree that claims involving a third-party insurance company separately providing coverage to you, personal injury claims, or claims relating to the application of your financial responsibility relating to the use or operation of Vehicle, may be brought in a court with valid jurisdiction.
20. Dispute Resolution Procedure.
Before asserting a claim in any proceeding, you and INDIE CAMPERS agree that either party shall give the other party written notice of the claim to be asserted thirty (30) days before initiating a proceeding and make a reasonable good faith effort to resolve the claim. If you are intending to assert a claim against INDIE CAMPERS, you must send the written notice of the claim to Attention: legal@indiecampers.com. If INDIE CAMPERS is intending to assert a claim against you, we will send the written notice of the claim to you at your address appearing in our records. No demand for arbitration may be made after the date when the institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim or dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitation. No settlement demand or settlement offer used prior to any legal proceeding may be used in any proceeding including as evidence or as an admission of any liability or damages (or lack thereof) and shall remain confidential between you and INDIE CAMPERS. If you and INDIE CAMPERS do not resolve the claim within thirty (30) days after the above described notice is received, either party may commence an arbitration by Delivering a written Notice of Request to Arbitrate to each party and delivering a copy of the Notice to Arbitrate to the ADR Institute of Canada. Claims will be resolved pursuant to the ADR Institute of Canada’s National Arbitration Rules, in effect at the time of the demand, as modified by this Agreement. Judgment shall be final and binding on the parties upon the award rendered by the arbitrator which may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof The ADR Institute of Canada’s National Arbitration rules can be found at www.adr.orgwww.adric.ca The arbitrator has no authority to join or consolidate claims, or adjudicate joined and consolidated claims. If you are an individual, in the event that (1) your claim is less than $10,000, and (2) you are able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to costs of litigation, INDIE CAMPERS will pay as much of your filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive as compared to the cost of litigation. You are responsible for all other costs/fees that you incur in arbitration (e.g. fees for attorneys, expert witnesses, etc.). If any portion of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section or the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section are deemed to be invalid or unenforceable or is found not to apply to a claim, the remainder of this “Dispute Resolution Procedure” section and the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section remain in full force and effect. However, if the “Arbitration Agreement and Class Action Waiver” section is deemed unenforceable, any class action claim(s) must proceed in a court of competent jurisdiction.
21. Personal Information; Company’s Privacy Policy.
a. Company’s Privacy Policy. You hereby agree that use of any and all, including without limitation your rental of any Vehicle, is subject to the Company’s Privacy Notice, a copy of which is available here https://indiecampers.com/privacy, and which is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement (the “Privacy Policy”). IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OR USES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION AS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 18(B) BELOW, THE COLLECTION, USE, DISCLOSURE AND OTHER PROCESSING OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS GOVERNED BY THE COMPANY PRIVACY POLICY. AS A RESULT OF SUCH INCORPORATION, YOU HEREBY AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE COMPANY’S PRIVACY POLICY, AS IT MAY BE AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE COMPANY. b. Additional Provisions About Use of Personal Information. In addition to any rights given to the Company pursuant to the Company’s Privacy Policy with regard to the use of any of your personal information, you further agree that: (i) the information that you provide to Us may be used to the fullest extent permitted by law; (ii) You agree that We may, and you hereby authorize Us to, provide personal information in Our possession about you and other Authorized Drivers (including driver’s name, address, cellular/mobile and other phone numbers, driver’s license and/or credit/debit card information) to applicable authorities or other third parties in connection with our enforcement of our rights under this Agreement and for other legitimate business purposes, including disclosure to our affiliates or other third parties that conduct services on our behalf; and (iii) and you consent to us or our representatives contacting you. If you have any questions about this provisions or any of the provisions in the Company’s Privacy Policy, please contact the Company as follows: Indie Campers Canada, Inc.2700 Stantec Tower 10220 - 103 Avenue, NW Edmonton, AB T5J 0K4
22. Safety of Children.
The Authorized Drivers hereby agree to abide by all child safety rules and regulations as applicable by Federal and Alberta law, including, but not limited to, safety belt and not leaving children unattended. In Canada, drivers who leave young children unattended in vehicles can be found criminally responsible for negligence causing bodily harm or death. As may vary across provinces, children must be secured properly in the Vehicle, including, but not limited, using a federally-approved child passenger restraint system in accordance with provincial regulations, or safety belts depending on the height, weight, and age of the child. Some provinces may require federally approved, crash-tested child restraint devices be used. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN ALBERTA -- You must comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations governing the operation of a motor vehicle with children, including, but not limited to: A Driver shall not drive or operate a motor vehicle in which a child under 6 years old who weighs 18 kg or less is a passenger unless: (a) the motor vehicle is equipped with a child restraint system, (b) the child restraint system is properly installed, and (c) the child is properly secured in the child restraint system. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN BRITISH COLUMBIA -- You must comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations governing the operation of a motor vehicle with children, including, but not limited to: causing the child to be securely fastened in a designated seating position, using an infant restraint system, a child restraint system, a booster seat, or a seat belt assembly in accordance to requirements set out in the Motor Vehicle Act, Division 36. FOR VEHICLES USED OR OPERATED IN ONTARIO -- You must comply with all Federal and Provincial laws and regulations governing the operation of a motor vehicle with children, including, but not limited to: Infant, toddler, and pre-school to primary grade child passengers are secured in accordance to Highway Traffic Act, Regulation 613.
23. Incorporation.
a. The terms and conditions of the following are hereby incorporated by this reference into the Agreement: (i) the Company’s Website Terms (as defined in Section 12(b) ) herein, which can be found at https://indiecampers.com/terms-and-conditions , and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Website Terms, including, without limitation, any other charges and cancellation policies provided therein; (ii) the Company’s Privacy Policy (as defined in Section 18(a)) herein, which can be found at https://indiecampers.com/privacy, and You hereby agree to have read and agree to abide by the Privacy Policy, including, without limitation, any amendments thereto; and (iii) any other documents, addenda, or additional materials that we provide to you at any time during any rental of any Vehicle or that you may otherwise sign or consent to at any time during any such rental (collectively referred to as “Addenda or Additional Materials”). (b) If there is a conflict or ambiguity between the underlying Rental Agreement, the Website Terms, the Privacy Policy, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for Canada Only, and any Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 23(a)), then you agree to this priority: (i) first, the Website Terms shall control, and (ii) then, next, the terms of this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for Canada Only document shall control.
24.1 Entire Agreement; Waiver; Severability. The Agreement (including without limitation the underlying Rental Agreement, this Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions for Canada Only document, the Company’s Website Terms, the Company’s Privacy Policy, and the Addenda or Additional Materials (as such term is defined above in this Section 23(a)), constitutes the entire contract and agreement between Company and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes and replaces any prior agreements we might have had between us regarding such subject matter. The Company ’s failure to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be considered a waiver of those rights. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect
24.2 Remedies. You acknowledge that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for your breach of the Agreement and therefore you hereby agree that the Company shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a court or arbitration panel of competent jurisdiction without necessity of posting a bond and without having to plead and prove lack of an adequate remedy at law.
24.3 Binding Effect; No Assignment by Client; Permissible Assignment by Company. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party’s respective successors and lawful assigns; provided, however, you do not have the right to assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Company (which it may or may not grant in its discretion). Any purported assignment in violation of this Section 24.3 shall be void. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement, or any part of it, in its sole discretion to any party, and all covenants and agreements hereunder shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by such successors and assigns.
24.4. Counterparts. The Agreement, and any portions thereof, may be executed, assented to, and/or delivered in one or more counterparts, whether in .pdf, electronic format, email, or fax, or by electronically consenting to the same, each of which is deemed an original and all of which together is one and the same.
25. Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy
Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy Effective Date: 29.01.2024 This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.
25.1. Applicability: Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 25.7
25.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:
25.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value. During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately. Traveller also understand that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage
25.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.
25.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:
For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.
25.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:
In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.
25.3. Payment and Refund Considerations:
The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.
25.4 Applicability to Rental Reservation:
This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time
25.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.
As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travelers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.
Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.
Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.
Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.
Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.
Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.
Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.
25.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.
25.7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions: Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the travelleryou will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy
25.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy
25.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.
25.8.2 Booking Payment Options
First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:
For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.
If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage
If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.
Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.
If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.
Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:
For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.
25.8.3. Specific-City Cancelation Policies
Group A Cities (Frankfurt, Salt Lake City, Venice, Bordeaux, Malaga, Londres, Roma, Denver, Porto, Calgary): All bookings in these cities require 100% payment upfront, regardless of the cancellation policy.
Group B Cities: Specific yet-to-be-defined cities will have both policies active, with the Partially Refundable Policy requiring a mandatory 100% payment upfront. The Flexible Policy will follow standard payment options as outlined.
Group C Cities (Lisbon, Barcelona, Marseille, Brussels, Geneva, Naples, Oslo, New York, Auckland, Melbourne): These cities apply the Partially Refundable Policy with standard payment options as detailed in section 2.
Other Cities: Cities not included in Groups A, B, or C will default to the Flexible Policy, described under article 25.1, which is offered free of charge.
25.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing
The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.
1) Le Locataire reconnaît avoir reçu le véhicule avec les documents légaux, et les équipements additionnels dans un bon et propre état et muni d’équipements fonctionnels. 2) Le client s’engage à rendre le véhicule dans un bon état, s’assurant que le réservoir soit rempli à même hauteur que lors de la prise en charge, que les équipements du véhicule soient fonctionnels et que ledit véhicule soit remis en temps, heure et lieu tel que définit au préalable dans le Contrat de Location. Tout manquement à ces engagements entraînera la facturation de frais supplémentaires au Locataire. Toute perte ou endommagement des équipements additionnels loués, des équipements du véhicule ou des éléments de rechange sera entièrement facturée au Locataire sur la base des tarifs établis par la Société de Location.
1) L'exécution et la signature du présent contrat de location sont basées sur l'hypothèse de l'existence de : a) d'un permis de conduire valide pour conduire un véhicule en Europe, b) d'une carte d'identité ou d'un passeport valide, c) d'une Carte de crédit/débit valide (Visa, AMEX ou Mastercard). Tous les documents ont été présentés lors de la prise en charge du véhicule et de la signature du présent contrat de location. Si le locataire ne présente pas les documents nécessaires, le véhicule ne peut pas être loué, et les frais standard de non-présentation s'appliqueront. 2) Il est de la responsabilité du locataire de détenir un permis de conduire valide en Europe. 3) Le locataire doit être âgé de plus de 18 ans. 4) Pour les réservations à court terme, si l'un des conducteurs a moins de 25 ans, l'achat du plan de protection de base est obligatoire, car le locataire n'est pas qualifié pour acheter le plan de protection premium lors de la location d'un véhicule. Le client déclare et garantit par la présente que les documents partagés avec le loueur (et toutes les informations qu'ils contiennent) sont véridiques, complets et valables, notamment en ce qui concerne l'adresse et le pays de résidence du client. 5) Pour les réservations par abonnement: si la résidence fiscale du locataire est en dehors de l'union européenne (y compris la Suisse et le Royaume-Uni), le locataire peut louer un véhicule dans l'un des pays et villes dans lesquels il est disponible. Si la résidence fiscale du locataire est en Irlande, au Portugal, en Espagne, en France, en Italie, en Allemagne, en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas, en Autriche, en Croatie, en Suède et en Islande, le locataire ne peut louer un véhicule qu'à partir du pays dans lequel il réside. Si la résidence fiscale du locataire se trouve dans un pays de l'UE autre que l'Irlande, le Portugal, l'Espagne, la France, l'Italie, l'Allemagne, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, l'Autriche, la Croatie, la Suède et l'Islande, il n'est pas possible de louer un véhicule avec le produit d'abonnement.
3. 1 Le client s’engage à ce que, durant la période de location, le véhicule ne soit pas: a) Conduit par une personne qui ne soit pas mentionnée dans le Contrat de Location. b) Conduit de manière imprudente et/ou dangereuse. c) Conduit par une personne sous l’influence de drogues ou d’alcool. d) Laissé avec les clefs sur le contact sans que personne ne soit à bord. e) Endommagé par immersion dans l’eau, par le contact avec l’eau salée, en conduisant au travers de zones inondées, de plages ou autres routes non-pavementées. f) Utilisé à des fins de course, de compétition ou toute autre activité illégale. g) Utilisé pour remorquer tout autre véhicule. h) Utilisé pour transporter des personnes ou des biens à des fins de gage ou de récompense. i) Utilisé afin de transporter plus de personnes qu’autorisées par la loi. j) Utilisé pour transporter des matérieux dangereux, liquides volatiles, des gaz, explosifs ou tout autre produit corrosif ou inflammable, mis à part le gaz mis à disposition par le Loueur. k) Utilisé en vue de transporter plus de biens ou marchandises que ce qui est attendu dans le cadre d’une location de loisirs. l) Utilisé à des fins publicitaires ou commerciales ou pour y installer des accessoires. m) conduite hors route, sur des routes fermées ou des routes non adaptées au véhicule loué selon les lois et règlements locaux. 2) Le loueur n'est pas responsable des conséquences, ni des dommages, pertes et/ou autres coûts résultant du fait que le locataire n'agit pas conformément aux points (a) à (l) susmentionnés. 3) Le Locataire admet et reconnaît qu’Indie Campers garde à tout moment la propriété sur le véhicule loué. Le Locataire est interdit de mettre en vente, d’accepter une proposition ou ne serait-ce que de prétendre vouloir vendre, sous-louer, prêter ou hypothéquer le véhicule à quelconque tierce partie que ce soit. 4) Le Locataire ne peut apporter quelconque modification ou altération que ce soit au véhicule sans l’autorisation expresse et écrite émanant d’Indie Campers. 5) Le Locataire prendra toutes les mesures nécessaires afin de maintenir le véhicule en bon état, en vérifiant quotidiennement les niveaux d’huile, d’eau ainsi que les batteries, et contactera Indie Campers dans l’hypothèse où l’un des voyants lumineux indiquerait le moindre dysfonctionnement potentiel. 6) Aucun des équipements (glacière incluse) ne pourra être connecté à la batterie plus de 4 heures de suite sans que le véhicule n’ait été rechargé au moins une journée dans un camping ou tout autre emplacement proposant des sources d’électricité de 220V. 7) Le locataire est responsable de la surveillance et de l'obtention d'informations sur les prévisions météorologiques et l'état des routes lors de ses voyages, et de la communication d'un avertissement émanant des organismes publiques à ce sujet. 8) Le présent Contrat sera automatiquement terminé et la réservation sera annulée sans quelconque intervention juridique dans l'hypothèse où le véhicule serait utilisé de telle manière qu'une violation au présent Contrat de location serait constatée. Par ailleurs, la Société de Location se réserve le droit de récupérer le véhicule à tout moment et sans avertissement et le Locataire sera tenu responsable pour tout coût lié. 9) Le locataire ne peut en aucun cas sous-louer ou céder le véhicule sans le consentement écrit préalable du loueur.
3.2 Un échange de véhicule ne peut avoir lieu que dans les situations décrites ci-dessous :
3.2.1. Pendant la période de location, le véhicule a subi un accident, des dommages, une panne de moteur ou des situations similaires dans lesquelles le véhicule ne peut pas être conduit : a) Le véhicule sera envoyé à un atelier. b)La caution du premier véhicule sera facturée c) Le client recevra un nouveau véhicule de la même catégorie avec une nouvelle caution.
3.2.2 Pendant la période de location, en cas de dommages négligents au véhicule : a) La caution sera facturée b) Si la caution n'est pas suffisante pour couvrir les dommages, le solde sera également facturé au client. c) Si la caution a été facturée, le client aura droit à un nouveau véhicule et devra payer une nouvelle caution. d) Si la caution n'a pas été encaissée, le client n'a pas droit à un nouveau véhicule.
3.2.3 Pendant la période de location, si le véhicule est endommagé en raison de circonstances imprévues : a) La caution sera facturée b) Le locataire a droit à un nouveau véhicule et doit payer une nouvelle caution.
3.3. Dans les cas où une nouvelle caution est requise, le locataire qui avait précédemment un plan de protection premium ne peut choisir qu'un plan de protection basic pour la nouvelle réservation. Indie Campers n'autorise pas la mise à niveau du plan de protection lors d'un changement de véhicule.
1) Il est permis de voyager avec un animal de compagnie si son poids ne dépasse pas 30 kg. Dans ce cas, des frais pour animaux seront facturés (pour le nettoyage après le voyage) . Ces frais de nettoyage de fin de voyage couvrent uniquement le nettoyage du véhicule après la location, tandis que le locataire est responsable de tous les dommages causés par l'animal à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du véhicule. Il est de l'entière responsabilité du locataire de garantir que l'animal voyage dans des conditions de sécurité et conformément aux réglementations locales. L'entreprise de location ne sera pas responsable des contraventions ou des frais juridiques dus à la présence de l'animal à l'intérieur du véhicule..
1) Modèles avec cuisinières portables : Le loueur a l'intention de fournir au client au moins une bouteille de gaz jetable (220g). Si l'approvisionnement en gaz local pose problème ou si les autorités locales imposent des restrictions à l'achat de gaz, le loueur ne peut être tenu responsable de l'impossibilité de fournir une bouteille de gaz au locataire. 2) Modèles avec cuisinière/poêle intégrée : Le loueur a l'intention de fournir aux clients au moins une bouteille pleine scellée de gaz de camping. Le locataire a la possibilité d'utiliser la bouteille scellée complète pendant le voyage et, dans ce cas, le loueur facturera le locataire selon le tarif défini. Si l'approvisionnement en gaz local pose problème ou si les autorités locales imposent des restrictions à l'achat de gaz, le loueur ne peut être tenu responsable de l'impossibilité de fournir une bouteille de gaz au locataire. 3) Le locataire peut acheter des bonbonnes/cylindres de gaz supplémentaires par l'intermédiaire d'un tiers pendant la période de location, à ses propres frais. 4) Les raccords et les bouteilles de gaz sont différents selon les pays et peuvent nécessiter un adaptateur pour le remplissage. Veuillez noter que les bouteilles de gaz et les adaptateurs fournis ne doivent pas être échangés contre des bouteilles étrangères, sinon des frais seront appliqués.
1) L'AdBlue est un fluide d'échappement diesel requis dans les véhicules à moteur diesel modernes. Tous les modèles nécessitant de l'AdBlue sont identifiés par un réservoir d'AdBlue, situé à côté du réservoir de carburant. De même que le niveau de carburant, le tableau de bord du véhicule indique si le niveau d'AdBlue est bas. 2) Le véhicule est livré au-dessus du minimum d'AdBlue pour la circulation (sans les feux AbBlue allumés) et doit être retourné dans les mêmes conditions, sinon des frais de ravitaillement seront appliqués. 3) Pendant le voyage, le locataire est responsable de garantir que le véhicule a toujours à la fois du carburant et de l'AdBlue nécessaires à la circulation sans endommager le moteur. 4) De l'AdBlue supplémentaire peut être acheté tout au long de la période de location dans n'importe quelle station-service aux frais du locataire. Le loueur ne remboursera pas le locataire pour les frais de fluide AdBlue lors du retour du véhicule.
7.1 Toutes les réservations comprennent un nombre fixe de kilomètres/miles gratuits par nuit, qui peut varier en fonction de la saisonnalité et du nombre de nuits.
7.1.2) Les clients ont la possibilité d'ajouter des forfaits km/miles supplémentaires ou des km/miles illimités avant leur voyage pendant le processus de réservation.
7.1.3) Tous les km/miles supplémentaires seront facturés au moment de la dépose. La valeur des frais par km/mile supplémentaire pour chaque réservation est communiquée au cours du processus de réservation, car elle peut varier en fonction du lieu de prise en charge et du modèle de véhicule.
7.2 Pour les réservations d'abonnement, le nombre de kilomètres inclus gratuitement est de 1 000 km par mois ou 10 000 km par an. Pour un coût supplémentaire, des forfaits mensuels de plus 500 km/mois et plus 1 000 km/mois peuvent être ajoutés à la réservation. En outre, si la réservation a une durée d'un an, des forfaits annuels de plus 6 000 km/an, plus 12 000 km et plus 18 000 km peuvent être ajoutés à la réservation. Si le client dépasse les limites de 1 000 km par mois ou 10 000 km par an sans souscrire de forfaits mensuels/annuels de km supplémentaires ou si ces forfaits sont également dépassés, le loueur facturera des frais supplémentaires pour chaque km/mile au-delà des limites susmentionnées. La valeur de la redevance par kilomètre supplémentaire pour chaque abonnement est communiquée au cours du processus de réservation, car elle peut varier en fonction du lieu de prise en charge et du modèle de véhicule.
7.3 Conditions générales de location de Volkswagen ID Buzz - Niveau de batterie et politique de charge
7.3.1. Introduction : Les présentes conditions générales s'appliquent à la location du véhicule Volkswagen ID Buzz en Europe. En louant ce véhicule, vous vous engagez à respecter ces conditions, notamment celles concernant le niveau de la batterie au moment de la restitution du véhicule.
7.3.2. Exigence relative au niveau de la batterie au moment de la restitution
a. Niveau minimum de la batterie : Le véhicule doit être restitué avec un niveau de batterie qui n'est pas inférieur de plus de 10 points de pourcentage au niveau auquel il a été livré. Cette exigence vise à garantir que le véhicule reste opérationnel pour les utilisateurs suivants et à préserver la santé de la batterie du véhicule.
b. Évaluation du niveau de la batterie : Au retour du véhicule, notre personnel évaluera le niveau de la batterie. Si le niveau de la batterie est inférieur de plus de 10 points de pourcentage au niveau livré, des frais supplémentaires s'appliqueront.
7.3.3. Frais de facturation en cas de déficit de la batterie
a. Calcul des coûts : Si le niveau de la batterie au moment de la restitution n'est pas conforme à la norme requise, le client se verra facturer l'énergie manquante pour la ramener à 10 points de pourcentage en dessous du niveau livré.
b. Tarification : Le coût de l'énergie manquante sera calculé sur la base du prix actuel du kilowatt (0,3782 € par KW).
7.3.4. Un supplément de charge de 100 euros sera facturé si le véhicule est restitué avec un niveau de batterie inférieur à 25 %.
1) La survenance de tout problème lié au véhicule, y compris un dysfonctionnement des équipements, doit être reportée immédiatement afin de laisser à Indie Campers l’opportunité de rectifier ce problème au cours de la période de location. Tout manquement à cette obligation annulera l’engagement de la responsabilité du Loueur. 2) Face à telle situation, le locataire doit contacter le loueur avant de contacter l'assurance routière. L'entreprise de location peut aider le locataire à résoudre des problèmes techniques, après quoi elle ne déplacera pas ses propres employés pour les services de réparation/échange de véhicules. 3) Le service de l'entreprise de location couvre tout dysfonctionnement technique lié au véhicule qui serait dû à une faute matérielle ou de fabrication dont le lien de cause à effet est direct et qui rend impossible tout usage de l’élément concerné au cours de la période de location. 4) Les situations suivantes ne donnent pas un accès automatique au service, et que les frais de remorque ou de rapatriement seront assumés par le Locataire: a) Le véhicule n’a plus d’essence. b) Les clefs sont restés à l’intérieur du véhicule verrouillé, ont été perdues ou ont été endommagées (humidité dans la clef). c) Batteries vides en raison d’un mauvais usage des batteries et/ou un mauvais usage des équipements qui bénéficient de l’énergie issue des batteries. d) Le véhicule est bloqué hors des sentiers battus ou sur une route en mauvais état. e) Une panne causée par une faute délibérée. f) L'assistance pour changer un pneu crevé. Les éventuels frais de remorquage/déplacement seront à la charge du locataire. 5) L'entreprise de location vous propose une assistance 24h/24, bien qu’en dehors des horaires de fonctionnement, les délais puissent être allongés. 6) En cas de dysfonctionnement, le locataire n'est pas autorisé à effectuer des réparations ou des modifications sur le véhicule, sauf autorisation du loueur et suivant des instructions exactes. Pour tout dysfonctionnement ne nécessitant pas d'immobilisation du véhicule et ne pouvant être réparé sur place, le Locataire doit mobiliser le véhicule vers un emplacement spécifique à indiquer par le Loueur. En cas de location par abonnement, si une inspection obligatoire est requise pendant la période d'abonnement, le locataire doit se présenter à un endroit précis à indiquer par Indie Campers. En cas d'accident dont le locataire est jugé responsable, le loueur n'est pas obligé de présenter un véhicule de remplacement. 7) En cas d'immobilisation du véhicule suite à une panne mécanique, ou un accident, et s'il n'est pas possible de réparer sur place, le loueur enverra une dépanneuse pour conduire le véhicule et le locataire à l'atelier ou au dépôt de location le plus proche .
1) Le véhicule de location est assuré contre les tiers et les dommages matériels.
2) L'assurance est valable dans les 32 pays européens suivants : Allemagne, Andorre, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République tchèque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède et Suisse. Les véhicules ne peuvent être conduits que dans ces pays, et la conduite dans des pays autres que ceux mentionnés ci-dessus constitue une violation du présent contrat de location. Le loueur n'est pas responsable de tout dommage, panne ou autre conséquence survenant en dehors des pays où l'assurance est valide, et le locataire est responsable du coût de la réparation et/ou de l'enlèvement du véhicule et de tous les autres coûts administratifs, charges, frais et amendes encourus par le loueur en raison de cette utilisation non autorisée. Le loueur se réserve le droit de facturer au locataire une pénalité de 1 000 € (mille euros) pour chaque jour où le véhicule est utilisé ou se trouve dans un pays où l'assurance n'est pas valide.
3) Le véhicule n'est assuré que pour la durée stipulée dans le contrat. Le loueur n'est pas responsable de tout dommage en dehors de la période de location, le locataire étant le seul responsable.
4) Le locataire est responsable de tout dommage subi pendant la possession du véhicule, à concurrence du montant du dépôt de garantie, compte tenu de toutes les exclusions indiquées à la clause 11 - "Responsabilités". Toutes les options du plan de protection et le dépôt de garantie ne couvrent que le premier accident admissible à l'activation de la couverture d'assurance pour chaque location. En cas de pluralité d'accidents éligibles à l'activation de la couverture d'assurance pendant la période de location, le locataire sera responsable de la totalité des coûts de réparation de chaque dommage supplémentaire. Pour couvrir les coûts des éventuels dommages, le bailleur bloquera le montant total du dépôt de garantie sur la carte de crédit/débit associée au locataire.
5) Le locataire peut choisir l'un des plans de protection suivants :
5.1) de base, Le plan de protection de base est gratuit, Dépôt : Un dépôt de 2 000 € est requis, Responsabilité maximale de 2 500 €, Assistance et conseils par chat pendant le voyage, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, Couverture de tous les dommages aux véhicules et aux biens de tiers. Remplacement du fourgon : un fourgon de remplacement n'est pas inclus (en raison de la négligence du client). Assurance verre : Pas d'assurance pour les vitres Assurance pneumatique : Pas d'assurance pneumatique
5.2) La prime : Vous devez être âgé de plus de 25 ans, à partir de 19,90€ par nuit, Un dépôt de 500€ et une 199 à l'exclusion des responsabilités de la clause 11. Assistance et conseils par chat 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 pendant le voyage. Fourgon de remplacement Jusqu'à 3 conducteurs supplémentaires
6) Tous les plans de protection comprennent l'assistance routière (y compris l'assistance en ligne 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 et le remorquage d'un véhicule Indie Campers vers un dépôt Indie Campers ou un atelier de réparation automobile à proximité en cas d'accident ou de panne mécanique).
7) Les Plans de protection ne sont pas inclus et ne peuvent pas être souscrits par le Client dans les Réservations d'abonnement. En revanche, i) l'assistance routière sera fournie dans les mêmes conditions que pour les réservations de courte durée, ii) le locataire assurera l'entretien des pneus (uniquement pour l'utilisation, pas pour les dommages) et la vidange d'huile.
8) En cas de détérioration des Réservations d'abonnement par la faute du Client, un nouveau Véhicule sera fourni au Client après remboursement au loueur de ces dommages.
9) En cas de panne du véhicule loué due à la faute du loueur, le client se verra remettre un nouveau véhicule après analyse de l'incident par le loueur.
10) Si le locataire enfreint l'une des conditions des clauses du présent contrat de location, toute option d'assurance sera annulée, et le locataire sera responsable du coût total de tous les dommages. Le loueur se réserve le droit de facturer tous les frais supplémentaires encourus qui ne sont pas couverts par le contrat d'assurance/assistance routière.
Dans l'hypothèse d'un accident, le Locataire s'engage à suivre les procédures suivantes: 1) Immédiatement notifier la Société de Location ainsi que les autorités locales (police) de tout accident, vol ou autre événement malheureux. 2) Procéder à la réalisation des photos nécessaires et obtenir les noms et adresses des personnes impliquées dans l'accident et/ou de potentiels témoins qui peuvent appuyer les faits. 3) Remplir le rapport d'accident avec les personnes impliquées dans l'accident. 4) Ne pas laisser le véhicule sans prendre les mesures nécessaires quant à sa protection et sa sécurité. 5) S'abstenir d'engager sa responsabilité ou de plaider coupable dans l'hypothèse d'un accident qui pourrait engager la responsabilité de l'entreprise de location. 6) Récupérer le rapport d'accident signé par toutes les parties impliquées ainsi que les documents, accompagnés des clefs du véhicule dans l'hypothèse d'un vol de celui-ci, et autres rapports communiqués par les autorités locales et les communiquer immédiatement à la Société de Location. Autrement, tout plan de protection ou couverture expirera, et le Locataire sera tenu responsable pour tout frais ou dépense.
1)Le loueur n'accepte aucune responsabilité pour les blessures corporelles subies pendant la période de location et recommande de ne laisser aucun objet de valeur dans le véhicule, à l'air libre, pendant que le locataire est loin du véhicule. Le loueur n'est pas responsable des effets personnels perdus ou volés pendant la période de location, ni des dommages intérieurs ou extérieurs au véhicule dus au vandalisme / vol, aux dommages accidentels ou dus aux intempéries. Toute responsabilité du loueur sera limitée au montant payé au titre de l'assurance. Les exclusions ou limitations de responsabilité du loueur en vertu du présent contrat de location ne s'appliqueront que dans la mesure permise par la loi applicable. 2) Le locataire reconnaît qu'il est responsable de tous les coûts des dommages suivants, quel que soit le plan de protection qui a pu être pris. Les dommages identifiés ci-dessous sont spécifiquement exclus de toute option de plan de protection et s'appliquent également aux réservations par abonnement: a) Tout dommage dû au véhicule, en cas de violation d'une clause du présent contrat de location. b) Tout dommage causé par un comportement délibéré, l'influence de l'alcool, de drogues ou de toute substance qui réduit la capacité de conduire. c) Toute perte / dommage / effets personnels volés. d) Si le client a un comportement imprudent ou négligent de quelque nature que ce soit ou ne respecte pas les règles de la route locales ou les instructions du loueur, entraînant des dommages au véhicule ou à la propriété d'un tiers. e) Le coût pour récupérer ou récupérer le véhicule de toute zone réglementée, submergé, embourbé, piégé ou abandonné, à moins que cela ne soit causé par des circonstances indépendantes de la volonté du locataire. f) Les frais de remplacement des clés endommagées, perdues, volées ou verrouillées à l'intérieur du véhicule. g) Les conducteurs non identifiés dans le contrat de location, ou les conducteurs avec un permis de conduire annulé, expiré, suspendu ou saisi. h) Pour tout coût associé à une mauvaise utilisation du carburant. i) Tous les dommages sous les lignes de porte latérale ou au-dessus de la ligne de pare-brise, s'il n'y a pas de collision avec des tiers. j) Tous les dommages causés par le fait de heurter un animal en conduisant. k) Les dommages causés par le vent soufflant sur une porte.
12.1) Le Locataire s'engage à ce que le véhicule soit remis en temps, heure et lieu tel que défini au préalable dans ce Contrat de Location. 6) Une pénalité supplémentaire de 100 € pour frais de nettoyage sera facturée au locataire si le véhicule n'est pas restitué dans un état de propreté intérieur (absence d'ordures, de sable, de boue ou de tout autre déchet) et extérieur, avec le réservoir d'eaux usées vide, les toilettes chimiques vides, les ustensiles de cuisine nettoyés et la glacière éteinte sans nourriture à l'intérieur.
12.2) Le locataire peut modifier le lieu de dépôt ou la date/l'heure de départ si le personnel de réservation de l'entreprise de location l'a préalablement autorisé par écrit. Des frais seront appliqués et le montant sera communiqué par l'équipe de réservation. b) Les frais s'appliquent à tous les cas, quelles que soient les raisons du changement. c) Si le loueur ne confirme pas les changements par courrier électronique, le locataire doit respecter le lieu et la date et l'heure de dépôt prévus au contrat.
12. 3) Si le locataire ne parvient pas à obtenir cette autorisation et qu’il ne restitue pas le véhicule en heure, jour et lieu établis lors de la signature du Contrat de Location, le Locataire s’exposera à des frais égaux à trois fois le tarif par nuit de location, montant qui devra obligatoirement être réglé au moment de la restitution du véhicule via carte de crédit.
12.4)Dans l'hypothèse où le véhicule serait restitué à un endroit différent que celui indiqué sur le Contrat de Location, le Locataire sera tenu responsable du moindre dommage causé à la Société de Location.
12.5) Équipement des véhicules : Tous les véhicules sont livrés avec un kit de nettoyage. En cas de non-retour de l'équipement du véhicule et/ou des suppléments de location dans les mêmes conditions que celles dans lesquelles ils ont été remis, une redevance sera facturée au locataire en fonction de la valeur du ou des articles.
12.6) Restitution du Véhicule. Vous devez restituer le Véhicule à la date d'échéance dans le même état que vous l'avez reçu, à l'exception de l'usure normale. Vous devez nettoyer le Véhicule et retirer tous les articles, propriétés, équipements ou objets que vous, le Conducteur autorisé ou l'un de vos passagers avez introduits dans le Véhicule. 12.6.1) Frais de nettoyage des installations d'hygiène : Des frais de 50 € peuvent vous être facturés s'il existe des preuves de tabagisme ou de vapotage dans notre Véhicule. Les frais de nettoyage des installations d'hygiène comprennent également le nettoyage du réfrigérateur. Ces frais sont distincts de tous les dommages ou pertes subis par le Véhicule dont vous restez responsable, qu'il s'agisse du Véhicule ou de tout bien ou équipement qui s'y trouve ou qui y est attaché. 12.6.2) Frais de nettoyage de l'eau : des frais de 100 € vous seront facturés si le réservoir d'eau grise n'est pas vide et de 150 € pour le réservoir d'eau noire. Ces frais sont distincts de tous les dommages ou pertes subis par le véhicule dont vous restez responsable, que ces dommages soient survenus au véhicule ou à tout bien ou équipement qui s'y trouve ou qui y est attaché. 12.6.3) Frais de nettoyage en profondeur : Des frais de 125€ pourront vous être facturés si le Véhicule est rendu nettement moins propre qu'à la livraison et au-delà des conditions décrites ci-dessus au point i), ces frais de nettoyage en profondeur seront facturés au locataire. Ces frais sont distincts de tous les dommages ou pertes subis par le Véhicule dont vous restez responsable, que ces dommages soient survenus au Véhicule ou à tout bien ou équipement qui s'y trouve ou qui y est attaché.
12.6.4) Les frais de nettoyage sont cumulatifs dans l'ordre présenté.
12.7) Dans l’hypothèse où le véhicule ne serait pas ramené avec autant d’essence que lors de la prise en charge, le Locataire devra s’acquitter de frais de 70 € pour chaque quart d'essence manquant au réservoir.
1) Le dépôt de garantie ne peut être payé que par Carte de crédit/débit (Visa, AMEX ou Mastercard), et le propriétaire de la Carte de crédit/débit doit être présent lors de la prise en charge. Seules les cartes de débit qui permettent le traitement d'un dépôt de garantie seront acceptées. En aucun cas, nous n'accepterons qu'un dépôt soit facturé comme une transaction sur n'importe quel type de carte. Nous vous recommandons de vérifier auprès de votre banque émettrice si votre carte de débit permet le traitement d'un dépôt bloqué. À la livraison du véhicule, le locataire est tenu de verser le dépôt de garantie selon l'option de plan de protection choisie. Ce montant sera conservé sur la Carte de crédit/débit du locataire pour assurer le paiement de la franchise en cas de vol ou d'accident et de tout autre dommage au véhicule pendant la période de location. 2) Si le montant du dépôt de garantie n'est pas autorisé par la banque ou par le propriétaire de la Carte de crédit/débit, le présent contrat de location ne peut être exécuté et le véhicule ne peut être livré. Dans ce cas, la politique d'annulation habituelle s'appliquera et le montant total de la réservation sera facturé au locataire. 3) Le dépôt de garantie sera restitué au locataire à la fin de la période de location, par un membre du personnel de l'entreprise de location, qui devra déclarer que le véhicule est dans les mêmes conditions que lors de sa prise en charge. 4) Les dommages au véhicule et les frais d'équipement et de dommages supplémentaires seront facturés selon la table des prix du loueur. 5) En cas d'accident dont le locataire ne se considère pas responsable, le loueur retiendra le montant total du dépôt de garantie jusqu'à ce que la compagnie d'assurance en déclare la responsabilité. 6) Si les coûts de réparation des dommages ne peuvent être déterminés immédiatement, le loueur retiendra le montant total du dépôt de garantie. 7) Le locataire accepte que l'entreprise de location soit autorisée à débiter la Carte de crédit/débitt figurant au dossier pour tout autre montant pouvant survenir, tels que les contraventions de stationnement, les amendes, les pénalités pour infraction au code de la route, les péages, les dommages causés au véhicule (intérieur ou extérieur) et les montants, dont le locataire est seul responsable. L'entreprise de location est autorisée à vérifier les dommages causés au véhicule pendant 30 jours après le dernier jour du contrat de location. Si le loueur est notifié ou contacté par une entité administrative privée ou publique en raison du comportement du locataire, le loueur facturera au locataire, pour chaque événement individuel, des frais administratifs de i) 25€ si seule l'identification du locataire/conducteur était légalement requise ou ii) des frais administratifs de 50€ si le loueur devait légalement effectuer un paiement au nom du locataire ou présenter une opposition/appel, sans préjudice du remboursement complet au loueur par le locataire de toute somme payée par le loueur découlant ou aggravée par le comportement du locataire. (une redevance exceptionnelle réduite de 15 € peut s'appliquer aux entités de péage avec lesquelles il existe un protocole établi) 8) Le Locataire doit fournir au Loueur une Carte de crédit/débit alternative qui peut être utilisée pour satisfaire aux obligations du Locataire au titre des Conditions Générales du Loueur, en cas d'insuffisance de fonds, de refus de transactions pour quelque raison que ce soit, et d'annulation ou de suspension de la Carte de crédit/débit. 9) Toutes les factures impayées seront majorées d'un intérêt, qui est le taux légal le plus élevé plus un forfait, correspondant à 20 % du montant impayé et de toute compensation pour les dommages survenus / le manque à gagner dû par la loi. En cas de litige lié d'une manière ou d'une autre au présent contrat, les parties conviennent que la juridiction du lieu de prise en charge sera appliquée. 10) Concernant les réservations d'abonnement, un acompte sera retenu lors de la prise en charge. Le montant de la caution sera de 2.500 € (caution et responsabilité). Une autorisation bancaire mensuelle sera tenue à cet effet. Dans le cadre des réservations par abonnement, un seul conducteur supplémentaire est autorisé.
En cas de plainte relative au présent contrat de location, le locataire doit d'abord contacter le loueur. La Commission européenne met à disposition une plate-forme de résolution des litiges en ligne, que vous pouvez contacter à l'adresse http://ec.europa.eu/odr. Le loueur n'est pas obligé de participer à une procédure de règlement des litiges devant un organisme d'arbitrage des consommateurs. Si les partis ne parviennent pas à un règlement extrajudiciaire à l'amiable, tous les litiges sont soumis à la juridiction compétente dans le ressort duquel ils se produisent.
1) Cet accord constitue l’unique entente entre les parties. Aucun engagement oral ne fera foi. Il en sera de même des garanties ou autres arrangements qui auraient pu être passés relativement à la responsabilité du locataire. Tous les frais additionnels seront calculés sur la base des clauses dudit contrat de Location, eu égard aux conditions générales de vente présentes sur le site internet de l'entreprise de location. 2) Au moment de la réservation et du paiement du premier solde, le locataire accepte volontairement les conditions générales de vente énoncés par la Société de Location. 3) Le Locataire assure que toutes les informations communiquées sur ce contrat de location sont véridiques. 4) Ce contrat de location ne peut être cédé à un tiers qu'avec l'accord écrit des deux parties.
Si, pour une raison qui n'est pas de la responsabilité de l'entreprise de location, telle qu'un retard du locataire précédent, un accident, un vol, une panne, les conditions météorologiques, une pandémie, une grève ou toute autre situation pouvant compromettre la livraison du véhicule précédemment réservé, il n'est pas possible de procéder à la livraison du véhicule à la date ou à l'heure prévue, l'entreprise de location 1) Fournir au locataire une catégorie ou un modèle similaire. La marque du véhicule, l'année d'édition, le design ou la couleur peuvent varier. 2) Informer le locataire de l'indisponibilité du véhicule et lui rembourser intégralement le montant payé, sans autre compensation supplémentaire, dans la mesure où la loi applicable le permet.
Aux fins des dispositions de la réglementation en vigueur en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel et des services de la société de l'information et du commerce électronique, nous vous informons que vos données personnelles, tant celles prévues pour la formalisation du présent contrat que celles recueillies pendant la durée des services de location, seront incorporées à un fichier de données à caractère personnel afin de pouvoir gérer les services de location de véhicules loués, ainsi qu'à des fins commerciales telles que vous tenir rapidement informé par courrier électronique de toutes les offres, produits et promotions susceptibles de vous intéresser. Le locataire dispose des droits reconnus par le règlement général sur la protection des données pour accéder, rectifier et supprimer les données, s'opposer au traitement et en demander la limitation.
Toutes les informations relatives à l'utilisation et à la protection des données provenant de sources géolocalisées ou télématiques suivront les termes définis dans la politique de confidentialité https://indiecampers.fr/confidentialite
Politique d'annulation flexible d'Indie Fleet - Date d'entrée en vigueur : 29.01.2024
Cette politique d'annulation ("Politique") régit les procédures d'annulation et de remboursement pour les réservations effectuées auprès du parc de location du groupe Indie Campers ("Entreprise") dans tous les pays et lieux où le groupe opère. En effectuant une réservation auprès de l'entreprise, le voyageur accepte de se conformer aux conditions décrites dans cet article.
Applicabilité : Cette politique s'appliquera à toutes les réservations effectuées après le déploiement de la politique d'annulation flexible d'Indie Fleet à partir du 29 janvier 2024. Les réservations existantes effectuées jusqu'au 28 janvier 2024 continueront d'être soumises aux conditions d'annulation et de remboursement énoncées dans la " Politique d'annulation super flexible d'Indie Fleet " décrite au point 17.7 ci-dessous.
17.2 Conditions de la politique d'annulation flexible d'Indie Fleet :
17.2.1 Première étape : annulation plus de 30 jours avant la date d'enlèvement prévue:
En cas d'annulation plus de 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge prévue, le voyageur a droit au remboursement intégral du montant total payé jusqu'à cette date, calculé sur la base de la valeur de la réservation existante.
Pendant cette phase, si le voyageur ajoute des services ou des jours supplémentaires, le paiement intégral de l'augmentation de la valeur de la réservation sera exigé immédiatement.
Le voyageur comprend également que si le voyageur a déjà payé partiellement la réservation, un deuxième paiement sera demandé 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge afin de clôturer les comptes pour cette réservation.
Si le deuxième paiement échoue, la réservation sera automatiquement annulée après trois jours de tentatives infructueuses. Veuillez noter que si la totalité de la valeur de la réservation n'a pas été payée au moment de l'échec du deuxième paiement, le voyageur n'aura pas droit à un remboursement et le client ne sera pas considéré comme étant dans la deuxième phase.
17.2.2 Deuxième étape : annulation entre 30 et 8 jours avant la date d'enlèvement prévue :
Les réservations effectuées moins de 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge doivent être payées à 100 % lors du premier versement. Si la réservation est annulée entre 30 et 8 jours avant la date de prise en charge prévue, le voyageur a droit à un remboursement de 50 % du montant total payé jusqu'à cette date, calculé sur la base de la valeur de la réservation existante, qui inclut la valeur des services ajoutés ou sous-traités pendant cette période.
17.2.3 Troisième étape : annulation entre 7 et 1 jour avant la date d'enlèvement prévue :
Pour les annulations effectuées entre 7 et 1 jour avant la date de prise en charge prévue, un remboursement de 5 % du montant total payé jusqu'à cette date sera accordé, calculé sur la base de la valeur de la réservation existante.
17.2.4 Étape 4 : Annulation le jour même :
En cas d'annulation le jour même de la prise en charge prévue, les passagers n'ont droit à aucun remboursement.
17.3 Considérations relatives au paiement et au remboursement :
Les conditions d'annulation s'intègrent aux options de paiement flexibles qu'Indie Campers offre aux voyageurs qui réservent un voyage en voiture. Les politiques d'annulation du groupe Indie Campers sont conçues pour s'intégrer parfaitement à nos options de paiement flexibles, garantissant une expérience sans tracas pour les voyageurs qui réservent un voyage en voiture avec Indie Campers. Lors de la création d'une réservation associée à l'annulation flexible d'Indie Fleet, les voyageurs ont le droit d'étaler leurs paiements. Le paiement initial s'élève à 50 % de la valeur de la réservation, tandis que le solde peut être réglé par un deuxième paiement, qui doit être effectué 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge. Les voyageurs peuvent également choisir de payer le montant total de la réservation au moment de la réservation. Veuillez noter que pour toutes les réservations effectuées avec Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, dans les 30 jours précédant la date de prise en charge choisie, la valeur totale de la réservation doit être payée au moment de la réservation. Pour les réservations effectuées avec un paiement partiel, le deuxième paiement est requis pour garantir la validité de la réservation. Si le deuxième paiement n'est pas effectué, la réservation sera automatiquement annulée, sans aucun droit à remboursement. Si des services supplémentaires sont ajoutés à la réservation ou si des modifications sont apportées qui augmentent la valeur de la réservation, le paiement supplémentaire correspondant doit être effectué immédiatement sur demande. Cela permet de s'assurer que les services demandés sont effectivement inclus dans le cadre de la réservation. En revanche, si des services supplémentaires sont ajoutés ou si des modifications sont apportées qui réduisent la valeur de la réservation, le montant remboursable en cas d'annulation dans les 30 jours et 1 jour avant la date de prise en charge sera ajusté en conséquence. Si l'ayant droit a droit à un remboursement, Indie Campers transfère le montant sur le compte du voyageur dans un délai de 5 à 10 jours ouvrables.
17.4 Applicabilité aux réservations de location de flotte de Indie Campers :
Cette nouvelle politique d'annulation s'applique uniquement aux réservations de véhicules de la flotte d'Indie Campers. Les réservations de véhicules de tiers ne subiront aucune modification de leur politique d'annulation pour le moment.
17.5 Explication des étapes du calcul de la restitution.
Dans le cadre de notre engagement à offrir une expérience transparente et flexible à nos précieux voyageurs, nous avons établi une politique de calcul des remboursements qui s'applique aux changements de réservation et aux annulations.
Augmentation de la valeur de la réservation : Si des services ou des jours supplémentaires sont ajoutés à votre réservation, entraînant une augmentation de la valeur de la réservation, les voyageurs doivent effectuer immédiatement le paiement intégral du coût supplémentaire en contactant notre équipe Expérience client. Cette démarche garantit la validité de la réservation.
Annulation avant 30 jours : Si un voyageur décide d'annuler sa réservation avant 30 jours, il aura droit au remboursement du montant payé jusqu'à cette date, à l'exclusion des frais de gestion de la procédure.
Défaut de paiement du deuxième acompte : Si, après plusieurs tentatives, le deuxième paiement n'est pas effectué, le montant payé à l'avance reste acquis et aucun remboursement n'est effectué. Par conséquent, la réservation sera annulée.
Annulation après le deuxième paiement : Si un voyageur a effectué le deuxième paiement et décide par la suite d'annuler la réservation, le montant du remboursement sera déterminé selon les termes et conditions de la politique d'annulation.
Réduction de la valeur de la réservation : Si le nombre d'extras ou de jours de la réservation est réduit, entraînant une réduction de la valeur de la réservation, l'entreprise ne remboursera pas le montant correspondant à ces changements.
Frais de traitement du remboursement : Dans certains cas, des frais de traitement peuvent être appliqués pour couvrir les coûts administratifs. Le montant de ces frais sera clairement indiqué au moment de l'annulation.
17.6 Modifications de la politique Veuillez noter que cette politique est susceptible d'être modifiée à la discrétion de l'entreprise. Il incombe au voyageur de vérifier la version la plus récente de cette politique disponible sur notre site web ou de contacter notre service clientèle pour toute mise à jour. Si le voyageur a besoin d'éclaircissements supplémentaires ou s'il a des questions sur notre politique d'annulation, nous lui recommandons de lire l'article du centre d'aide ou de contacter notre équipe de service à la clientèle pour obtenir des conseils. En effectuant une réservation auprès de la Société, le voyageur reconnaît avoir lu, compris et accepté les conditions générales énoncées dans la présente politique.
17.7 Conditions d'annulation super flexibles de la Flotte Indie - applicables aux réservations jusqu'au 28/01/2024 Indie Campers Fleet applique une politique d'annulation super flexible à toutes les réservations : Politique d'annulation super flexible - Le locataire accepte que si la réservation est annulée 17 jours ou plus avant la date de prise en charge prévue, le voyageur sera remboursé de la totalité du montant payé jusqu'à cette date. Veuillez noter que ces deux options ne sont disponibles que si le voyageur a déjà payé le montant total de la réservation. Le locataire accepte que si la réservation est annulée moins de 17 jours et plus de 72 heures avant la date d'arrivée prévue, 50 % du montant de la réservation sera remboursé, ou le montant total de la réservation sera remboursé moins les frais d'annulation (15 % du montant de la réservation). En cas d'annulation dans les 72 heures précédant la date d'arrivée prévue, vous n'aurez droit à aucun remboursement ni bon de voyage. Remboursement des bons : Dès l'entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle politique d'annulation flexible, la possibilité de recevoir un remboursement sous forme de "bon" ne sera plus disponible pour les nouvelles réservations soumises à cette politique.
17.8 Politique d'annulation partiellement remboursable
17.8.1 Les clients ont droit à un remboursement de 5 % du montant de la réservation si l'annulation est effectuée plus d'un jour avant la date de prise en charge prévue. Aucun remboursement ne sera effectué en cas d'annulation le jour même de la prise en charge.
17.8.2. Options de paiement des réservations
Première étape : Annulation plus de 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge prévue :
Pour les réservations effectuées plus de 30 jours avant la date de ramassage, un paiement de 50 % du montant total de la réservation est exigé au moment de la réservation. Les 50 % restants seront facturés 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge.
Si le deuxième paiement échoue, la réservation sera automatiquement annulée après 3 jours de tentatives infructueuses. Veuillez noter que si la totalité de la valeur de la réservation n'a pas été payée au moment de l'échec du deuxième paiement, le voyageur n'aura pas droit à un remboursement et le client ne sera pas considéré comme étant dans la deuxième phase.
Si la réservation est annulée plus de 30 jours avant la date de prise en charge prévue, le voyageur a droit au remboursement de la totalité (100 %) de la valeur de la réservation payée jusqu'à cette date.
Deuxième étape : Annulation entre 30 et 8 jours avant la date de prise en charge prévue :
Les réservations effectuées à moins de 30 jours de la date de prise en charge doivent être payées à 100 % lors du premier versement.
Si la réservation est annulée entre 30 et 8 jours avant la date de prise en charge prévue, le voyageur a droit à un remboursement de 50 % du montant total payé jusqu'à cette date, calculé sur la base de la valeur de la réservation existante qui inclut la valeur de tous les services ajoutés ou sous-traités au cours de cette période.
Troisième étape : Annulation entre 7 et 1 jour avant la date de prise en charge prévue :
Pour les annulations effectuées entre 7 et 1 jour avant la date de prise en charge prévue, un remboursement de 5 % du montant total payé jusqu'à cette date sera accordé, calculé sur la base de la valeur de la réservation existante.
17.8.3. Politiques d'annulation propres à chaque ville
Villes du groupe A (Lisbonne, Madrid, Naples, Dublin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Marseille, Oslo, Anchorage, San Francisco, Orlando) : Toutes les réservations dans ces villes doivent être payées à l'avance à 100 %, quelles que soient les conditions d'annulation. Villes du groupe B (Barcelone, Rome FCO, Catane, Stuttgart, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Stockholm, Bergen, Denver, Chicago, Auckland, Melbourne) : Pour toutes les réservations dans ces villes, les deux politiques seront actives, la politique de remboursement partiel exigeant un paiement anticipé obligatoire de 100 %. La politique flexible suivra les options de paiement standard telles qu'elles sont décrites. Groupe C (Bilbao, Florence, Olbia, Édimbourg, Hambourg, Bruxelles Zaventem, Toulouse, Genève, Helsinki, Seattle, New York, Miami, Brisbane) : Ces villes appliquent la politique de remboursement partiel et la politique de flexibilité avec des options de paiement standard comme indiqué dans la section 17.1.
Autres villes : Les villes qui ne sont pas incluses dans les groupes A, B ou C appliqueront par défaut la politique flexible, décrite à l'article 17.1, qui est offerte gratuitement.
17.8.4 Prix de la police flexible
Le prix de la police flexible est déterminé en fonction de la proximité de la réservation par rapport à la date de prise en charge, la police devenant moins chère à mesure que la date de prise en charge approche.
Indie Campers offre une connectivité de données mobiles transparente via des eSIM pendant votre voyage avec Nous, actuellement disponible sans frais supplémentaires dans le cadre d'un lancement bêta. Veuillez noter que ce service est fourni « en l'état », sans aucune garantie. Indie Campers décline toute responsabilité en cas de dysfonctionnements, d'interruptions ou d'autres problèmes qui pourraient survenir. En utilisant ce service, vous reconnaissez qu'il s'agit d'une période bêta et que la disponibilité ou les prix peuvent changer.
1.Vehicle conditions
1.1 The Hirer acknowledges having received the Vehicle and rented extras, with all the legally required documents, in a clean condition with all the features working.
1.2 The Hirer will return the Vehicle in a clean condition, with the same amount of fuel at the pick-up, and with all the Vehicle’s features operating in normally, on the return date, time and location established in the Rental Agreement.
1.3 Failure to meet these criteria will result in additional charges to the Hirer according to the Rental Firm price table.
1.4 Any loss of or damage to the Vehicle, rented extras, equipment or spare parts, will be fully charged to the Hirer according to the Rental Firm price table.
2. Documents
2.1 The execution and signature of this Rental Agreement is subject to the existence and presentation of: a. a valid vehicle driver’s licence to drive in Australia or New Zealand, as applicable; b. a valid ID or Passport; and c. a valid credit card (Vis, AMEX or Mastercard). All documents were presented upon the Vehicle’s collection and signing of this Rental Agreement. If the Hirer does not present the necessary documents, the Vehicle cannot be rented and the Hirer is liable to the Rental Firm in the amount of the full booking fee. The Rental Firm and the Hirer agree this is reasonable and justified, in circumstances where it represents the Rental Firm’s true loss and damage as the Rental Firm will have reserved the Vehicle for the Hirer and withheld it from hire by other potential hirers, in the expectation that the Hirer would comply with this clause, and therefore lost the ability to rent the Vehicle to another potential hirer.
2.2 It is the responsibility of the Hirer to hold a valid license to drive in Australia or New Zealand, as applicable.
2.3 The Hirer must be at least 21 years old
3. Use of the Vehicle
3.1 The Hirer undertakes that, during the Rental Period, the Vehicle will not be: a) driven by any person that is not mentioned in the Rental Agreement as a driver; b) driven in an imprudent and dangerous way; c) driven by a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs; d) left with the key inside the Vehicle, while unoccupied; e) damaged by submersion in water, contact with salt water, driving through flooded areas, beach driving and unpaved roads; f) used for any race, contest or any illegal activities; g) used to tow any Vehicle; h) used to carry passengers or property for hire or reward; i) used to carry a number of passengers superior to the maximum capacity permitted by law; 0) used to carry hazardous materials, volatile liquids, gases, explosives or other corrosive or inflammable material, apart from the gas provided by the Rental Firm; k) used for the purpose of transporting and haulage goods other than what might be reasonably expected of a leisure rental; l) subject to installation of accessories, or advertising or commercial mentions; or m) driven off-road, on closed roads, or roads not suited for the rented Vehicle according to local laws and regulation.
3. 2 To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm shall not be responsible for any of the consequences, nor for any damage, loss and/or other costs resulting from the Hirer not acting in conformity with the aforementioned points (a) to (l).
3.3 The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that the Rental Firm retains the title of the Vehicle at all times and shall not agree, attempt, offer or purport to sell, sub-let, lend or mortgage the Vehicle to any other party.
3. 4 The Hirer shall not make any modifications or additions to the Vehicle, without prior written consent from the Rental Firm.
3.5 The Hirer shall take all reasonable steps to properly maintain the Vehicle, including, daily checks of the Oil, Water and Batteries, and will contact the Rental Firm if Vehicle warning lights indicate any potential malfunction.
3.6 Any electrical devices (including the cooler) cannot be connected to the battery for more than 4 hours in a row, without charging the Vehicle battery every day in camping places or in other 220V sources.
3.7 The Hirer is responsible for monitoring and obtaining information on weather forecasts and road conditions on his travels, and public warning thereof.
3.8 This Rental Agreement will be immediately terminated and the booking will be canceled without any need of judicial intervention if the Vehicle is used in any terms that constitute a violation of this Rental Agreement or the commission of a crime. Additionally, in these circumstances, the Rental Firm reserves the right to, justifiably and acting reasonably, recover the Vehicle, at any time, without previous notice, and to the maximum extent permitted at law the Hirer is held responsible for all the charges, costs and expenses involved in such recovery.
3.9 The Hirer may not, in any case, sublet or assign the Vehicle without prior written consent of the Rental Firm.
4. Pets
4.1 It is permitted to travel with one pet if its weight does not exceed 30kg. In such a case, a fee will be charged (After-trip Cleaning). The After-trip Cleaning covers the cleaning of the Vehicle after the rental, while the Hirer is liable for any and all damages caused by the pet in the interior and exterior of the Vehicle. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to guarantee that the pet travels in safe conditions and according to the local regulations. The Rental Firm will not be liable for any traffic tickets or legal fees due to the pet's presence inside the Vehicle.
5. Gas Policy
5.1 Models with Portable Cookers: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least 1 full disposable canister of gas (220g). Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm cannot be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a canister of gas.
5.2 Models with Built-in Cooker/Stove: The Rental Firm intends to provide customers with at least one full sealed cylinder of camping gas. The Hirer has the option of using the full sealed cylinder during the trip and in case they do, the Rental Firm will be charging the Hirer according to the defined pricing. Should local gas supply be an issue or limitations on the purchasing of gas by local authorities be imposed, the Rental Firm can not be held responsible for the inability to provide the Hirer with a cylinder of gas.
5.3 Additional gas bottles or refills can be purchased throughout the Rental Period at the Hirer's own expense.
5.4 Different connections and gas bottles are in place in different countries and might require an adapter to refill. Please note that the provided gas bottles must not be exchanged for foreign ones, otherwise, a Fee will be applied.
6.AdBlue Policy
6.1 AdBlue is a diesel exhaust fluid required in modern diesel engine vehicles. All models requiring AdBlue are identified with an AdBlue tank, located next to the fuel tank. Similarly to fuel level, the Vehicle dashboard shows if the AdBlue level is low.
6.2 The Vehicle is delivered above the minimum AdBlue for circulation (without AdBlue lights on) and must be returned in the same conditions, otherwise a Refueling Fee will be applied.
6.3 During the trip, the Hirer is responsible for ensuring the Vehicle always has both Fuel and AdBlue required for circulation without damaging the engine.
6.4 Additional AdBlue can be purchased throughout the Rental Period at any fuel station at the Hirer's own expense. The Rental Firm will not reimburse the Hirer for any AdBlue fluid expenses upon return of the Vehicle.
7. Mileage policy
7.1 All bookings include a fixed number of kilometres per night for free, which may vary according to seasonality and number of nights. Hirers have the option to add extra kilometres packages or unlimited kilometres before their trip during the booking process. Any additional kilometres will be charged at drop-off. The value of the fee per extra kilometre for each reservation is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and Vehicle model.
7.2 .The value of the fee per extra kilometre for each subscription is communicated during the booking process, as it might vary with the pick-up location and vehicle model.
8. On-Road Assistance and Technical Issues
8.1 Any problems associated with the Vehicle, including equipment failure, must be reported immediately to the Rental Firm as it might be possible to rectify the problem during the Rental Period. To the maximum extent permitted at law, the absence of such report previously to external on-road assistance calling nullifies the responsibility of the Rental Firm.
8.2 The Hirer must contact the Rental Firm before contacting any external on-road Assistance Company as the Rental Firm might assist the Hirer with technical issues, whereupon it will not dislocate its own employees for vehicle repairing/exchange services.
8.3 The Rental Firm’s assistance covers any technical or mechanical malfunction of the Vehicle arising from a manufacturing or material fault that directly renders the part concerned unfit for operation during the warranty period.
8.4 The following occurrences are not covered by the Rental Firm’s assistance:
a) the Vehicle running out of fuel; b) the keys being locked inside the Vehicle, damaged (e.g. humidity in the key), or lost; c) discharged batteries caused by incorrect usage and/or incorrect usage of any equipment that requires batteries to operate; d) Vehicle blocked off-road or at an unpaved road; e) a breakdown caused by willful neglect (e.g. off-road driving); or. f) assistance to change a flat tire - any tow/relocation expenses will be charged to the Hirer.
8.5 The Rental Firm provides 24hr Assistance, although outside standard business working hours some delays may occur.
8.6 In case of any malfunction, the Hirer is not allowed to make repairs or alterations to the Vehicle, unless authorized by the Rental Firm and following exact instructions. For any malfunction that does not require vehicle immobilisation and that cannot be repaired on-site, the Hirer must mobilise the Vehicle to a specific location to be indicated by the Rental Firm. In case of Subscription Rentals, if a mandatory inspection is required during the subscription period, the Hirer must present themselves at a specific location to be indicated by the Rental Firm. In the event of an accident in which the Hirer is found responsible for, the Rental Firm is not obliged to present a replacement vehicle.
8.7 In the event of vehicle immobilisation due to mechanical breakdown, or accident, and if it is not possible to repair on-site, the Rental Firm shall send a tow truck to drive the Vehicle and the Hirer to the closest workshop or rental depot.
9. Insurance Coverage
9.1 The rental Vehicle is insured against third party vehicles and property damage.
9.2 The Insurance is valid in Australia or New Zealand, as applicable. The Vehicle can only be driven in the country in which the insurance is valid. Driving in countries other than the ones mentioned above constitutes a violation of this Rental Agreement, and to the maximum extent permitted at law the Rental Firm is not liable for any damage, malfunction or other consequence that happens outside the country in which the Insurance is valid. The Hirer acknowledges and agrees it is liable for any reparation costs and/or relocation of the Vehicle and any other administrative costs, charges, fees, fines, liabilities or penalties the Rental firm incurs as a result of that unauthorised use.
9.3 The insurance for the Vehicle only applies for the period stipulated in the Rental Agreement. To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm excludes liability for any damage or loss arising outside that period, and the Hirer is liable for any such damage or loss and indemnifies the Rental Firm from against such damage or loss.
9.4 Subject to clause 11 of these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions, the Hirer is responsible for any damage incurred while in possession of the Vehicle, up to the amount of the security deposit. All the Protection Plan options and security deposit only cover the first accident suitable to activate the Insurance coverage of each rental. In case of more than one accident suitable to activate the Insurance coverage during the Rental Period, the Hirer is responsible for the full repair costs of each additional damage. To cover the costs of any possible damages, the Rental Firm will block the full amount of the security deposit on the credit card associated to the Hirer.
9.5 All Protection plans include Roadside Assistance (which includes 24/7 Line Assistance and the towing of the Vehicle to a nearby Rental Firm depot or auto garage in case of accidents or mechanical breakdown). The Rental Firm maintains the right to charge any additional costs incurred by it that are not covered by the insurance agreement/Roadside Assistance.
9.6 If Window Coverage is selected, the repair cost of one glass window is covered. Headlights, side mirrors and roof windows (skylights) are not included.
9.7 If Tire Coverage is selected, the accidental damage of one tire is covered. Rim and service of changing the tire is not included.
9.8 Protection Plans are not included nor can be subscribed by the Hirer under the Subscription Bookings. However: a) roadside assistance will be provided under the same conditions of the Short Term Bookings; and ii) the Rental Firm will provide maintenance tires (only for usage, not damage) and oil change.
9.9 If, under a Subscription Booking, damage arises that is the Hirer’s fault, the Rental Firm will provide the Hirer with a replacement for the Vehicle once the Rental Firm is reimbursed in full for such damage.
9. 10 In, under a Subscription Booking, there is a Vehicle malfunction for which the Rental Firm is liable, the Rental Firm will provide the Hirer with a new vehicle once the incident is analysed by the Rental Firm.
10. Accident / Vehicle Damage
In the event of an accident or Vehicle damage, the Hirer agrees to:
10.1 Immediately notify the Rental Firm and police authorities of any accident, theft, robbery or other misfortune;
10.2 Take pictures and obtain names and addresses of all persons involved as well as witnesses, that can document what happened;
10.3 fill in and complete the accident report, together with other vehicles that may be involved;
10.4 Avoid leaving the Vehicle without taking all measures regarding its protection and safety;
10.5 Avoid taking any responsibility or pleading guilty on behalf of the Rental Firm, or taking any other steps that might render the Rental Firm liable; and
10.6 Collect the accident report signed by all parties involved and the documents prepared by the police authorities, along with the Vehicle keys, if retained (in case of Vehicle theft) and send it immediately to the Rental Firm.
The Hirer acknowledges and agrees the requirements of this clause are consistent with the requirements of the Insurance relevant to the Vehicle, and a failure to comply with these requirements may result in the Insurance coverage not responding and the Hirer being liable for relevant damage, expenses, liabilities, losses and penalties..
11. Liabilities
11.1 In these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions:
The Authorized Drivers hereby agree to abide by all child safety rules and regulations as applicable by Federal and Alberta law, including, a) ACL means the Australian Consumer Law Schedule of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and its associated regulations; b) CGA means the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (NZ); and c) consumer is as defined in the ACL or CGA, as applicable.
11.2 Except as these Terms and Conditions specifically state, or as contained in any other written document provided by the Rental Firm in relation to the Vehicle, the Rental Agreement does not include by implication any other condition, term or warranty in respect of the acceptability, condition, design, fitness for purpose, manufacture, merchantability, performance or quality of the Vehicle, or any contractual remedy for its failure.
11.3 If the Hirer is a consumer, nothing in these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions limits, modifies or restricts the Hirer’s rights or remedies against the Rental Firm form a failure of a statutory guarantee under the ACL or the CGA, as applicable.
11.4 If the Hirer is not a consumer, then other than as stated in these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions or as contained in any other written document provided by the Rental Firm in relation to the Vehicle, to the maximum extent permitted at law the Rental Firm is not liable to the Hirer in any way arising under or in connection with the storage or use of, or any other dealings with, the Vehicle by the Hirer or any third party.
11.5 The Rental Firm is not liable for any consequential or indirect damage, expense or loss suffered by the Hirer or any third party, howsoever caused, including but not limited to loss of business or goodwill, loss of a chance, loss of an opportunity, loss of profit or liability to any other party, except to the extent of any liability imposed by the ACL or CGA, as applicable, that cannot be excluded.
11.6 Nothing in these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions is to be interpreted as excluding, modifying or restricting, or having the effect of excluding, modifying or restricting, the application of any legislation applicable to the supply of goods or services that cannot be excluded, modified or restricted.
11.7 To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm excludes liability for personal injuries sustained during the Rental Period.
11.8 The Rental Firm recommends that no valuable items should be left in the Vehicle, out in the open, while the Hirer is away from the Vehicle, and excludes liability for any belongings lost or stolen during the Rental Period.
11.9 To the maximum extent permitted at law, the Rental Firm excludes liability for any damage to the interior or exterior of the Vehicle arising due to vandalism/theft, accidental or weather damages.
11.10 To the maximum extent permitted at law, where the Rental Firm’s liability cannot be excluded, any liability of the Rental Firm is limited to the amount paid out under the Insurance.
11.11 The Hirer acknowledges and agrees that, to the maximum extent permitted at law, the Hirer is liable and responsible for all costs, damage, expenses, liabilities or penalties as follows (which are expressly excluded from any Protection Plan that the Hirer may have purchased):
any and all damage to the Vehicle, arising from the Hirer’s breach of a clause in this Rental Agreement; b) any and all damage caused by willful conduct of the Hirer, or the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance on the Hirer that reduces driving ability; c) any loss of, damage to or theft of personal belongings; d) any and all damage arising from the Hirer’s careless or negligent behavior, or failure to abide by local road rules or Rental Firm instructions; e) the cost to retrieve or recover the Vehicle from any restricted area, submerged, bogged, trapped, or abandoned, unless caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Hirer; f) the cost to replace keys which have become damaged, lost, stolen, or locked inside the Vehicle; g) any and all damage caused by use of the Vehicle by a driver not identified in the Rental Agreement, or with a canceled, expired, suspended or seized driver’s license; h) any and all costs associated with the incorrect use of fuel, or use of incorrect fuel; i) any and all damage to the Vehicle below side door lines or above the windscreen line, if there is no collision with third parties; j) any and all damage arising from the hitting of an an animal while driving; and k) any and all damages caused by the wind blowing up a Vehicle door.
12. Return of the Vehicle
12.1 The Vehicle must be returned at the date, time and location specified in the Rental Agreement.
12.2 The Hirer can change the drop off location or check-out date/time if the Rental Firm Reservations staff have previously authorised such change in writing. Charges may apply and are payable by the Hirer, and the amount of any such charges will be communicated by the Rental Firm’s Reservations team prior to confirmation of the change. The charges apply to all cases, irrespective of the reasons behind the change. If the Rental Firm does not confirm the change via email, the Hirer must comply with the contract location and drop-off date and time as outlined in the Rental Agreement.
12.3 If the Hirer fails to obtain prior authorisation from Rental Firm Reservations staff to effect return of the Vehicle other than in accordance with the schedule agreed in the Rental Agreement, the Hirer will be liable to and must pay to the Rental Firm an amount equal to three times the rental nightly rate be paid immediately upon the drop-off, which the Rental Firm and the Hirer agree is a genuine pre-estimate of the Rental Firm’s loss arising from such breach by the Hirer
12.4 If the Vehicle is not returned to a Rental Firm employee, the Hirer is liable for any and all resulting losses or damage, including Vehicle theft or robbery.
12.5 Vehicle equipment: The Vehicle is provided with a cleaning kit, and other equipment. If the Vehicle is not returned with the cleaning kit and equipment and/or rental extras in the same conditions as they were supplied to the Hirer, the Rental Firm may charge the Hirer the value of such items, and the Hirer must pay such amounts to the Rental Firm.
12.6 Cleaning Fees Hygiene Facilities: You may be charged a fee of 75 AUD/ 100 NZ if there is evidence of smoking or vaping in our Vehicle. The Cleaning Fee Hygiene Facilities also includes the uncleaning of the fridge. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto. 12.6.1 Water Cleaning Fee: You will be charged a fee of 150 AUD/ 175 NZ if the grey water tank its not empty and 230 AUD/ 250 NZ for the black water tank. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
12.7 Deep Cleaning Fee: You may be charged a fee of 200 AUD/ 225 NZ if the Vehicle is returned substantially less clean then delivered and beyond the conditions described above on i) the renter will be charged this deep cleaning fee. This fee its separate from any damages or losses to the Vehicle for which you remain responsible for, whether such damage occurred to the Vehicle or any property or equipment within or attached thereto.
12.8 If the Vehicle is not returned with the same fuel level as at pick-up, the Hirer will be charged 100 AUD/ 125 NZ for every 1⁄4 tank missing.
13. Liability / Security Deposit and After Rental Payments
13.1 Subject to this clause, the security deposit can only be paid by credit card (Visa, AMEX or Mastercard), and the credit card owner must be present at the pick-up. If the Hirer proposes to use a debit card, only debit cards which allow a hold deposit to be processed will be accepted. Under no circumstances will the Rental Firm accept a deposit to be charged as a transaction on any card type. The Hirer agrees to check with its issuing bank whether its debit card will allow a hold deposit to be processed. At the Vehicle delivery, the Hirer is required to pay the security deposit according to the chosen Protection Plan option. This amount will be held on the Hirer’s credit card to ensure the excess payment in the event of robbery or accident and any other Vehicle damage during the Rental Period.
13.2 If the security deposit amount is not authorised by the bank or by the credit card owner, this Rental Agreement cannot be executed, and the Vehicle cannot be delivered.
13.3 The security deposit will be returned to the Hirer at the end of the Rental Period, by a Rental Firm staff member, provided the Rental Firm staff member determines and states that the Vehicle is in the same condition as it was when it was first collected by the Hirer.
13.4 Vehicle damage and equipment/extras damage costs will be charged according to the Rental Firm price table.
13.5 In case of an accident where the Hirer does not consider himself/herself responsible, the Rental Firm will hold the full amount of the security deposit until the insurance company determines and communicates to the Rental Firm that the Hirer is not responsible for the accident.
13.6 If the damage repair costs cannot be determined immediately, the Rental Firm will hold the full amount of the security deposit.
13.7 The Hirer agrees that the Rental Firm is authorised to charge the credit card on file for any further amounts that may arise such as parking tickets, fines, traffic offence penalties, tolls, damage to the Vehicle (interior or exterior) and overdue amounts, of which the Hirer bears the sole responsibility. The Rental Firm is entitled to verify any of the damages to the Vehicle for 30 days after the last day of the Rental Agreement.
13.8 If the Rental Firm is notified or contacted by any administrative private or public entity due to the Hirer´s behavior, the Rental Firm will charge the Hirer, for each individual event, an administrative fee of:
a) $25.00 if only the identification of the Hirer/Driver was legally required (an exceptional reduced fee of $15.00 may apply to tolls' entities with which there is an established protocol); or
b) An administrative fee of $50.00 if the Rental Firm had to legally make any payment on behalf of the Hirer or present any opposition/appeal, without prejudice to the complete reimbursement to the Rental Firm by the Hirer of any amounts paid by the Rental Firm arising by reason of the Hirer´s behavior.
13.9 The Hirer must provide the Rental Firm with an alternative credit card that can be used to meet Hirer’s obligations under the Rental Agreement, in case of insufficient funds, declined transactions for any reason, and cancelled or suspended credit card.
13.10 If the Hirer defaults in payment by the due date of any amount payable to the Rental Firm, then without prejudice to any of its other accrued or contingent rights the Rental Firm may: a) charge the Hirer interest on any sum due at the rate of 5% for the period from the due date until the date of payment in full; and b) charge the Hirer form, and the Hirer must indemnify the Rental Firm from and against, all costs and expenses (including without limitation all legal costs and expenses) incurred by the Rental Firm resulting from the default or in taking action to enforce compliance with the Rental Agreement including these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions.
13.11 Regarding Subscription Bookings, a deposit will be held at pick up. The amount of the deposit will be $2,500 (deposit and liability). A monthly bank authorisation will be held to that purpose. In the context of Subscription Bookings, only one extra Driver is allowed.
14. Customer Agreement
14.1 The Rental Agreement constitutes the arrangement of the parties and there are no other oral undertakings, warranties or arrangements between the parties as to its subject matter. Any charges are calculated in accordance with the Rental Agreement and applicable Terms and Conditions.
14.2 The Hirer’s payment of its deposit under the Rental Agreement evidences its acceptance of and agreement to be bound by the Rental Agreement including these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions.
14.3 The Hirer has used best efforts to ensure all information supplied by it to the Hirer in relation to this Rental Agreement is accurate, complete and truthful.
14.4 This Rental Agreement may only be assigned to any third party with the written agreement of both parties.
15. Vehicles and brands
If, for any reason that is not the Rental Firm’s responsibility, such as a delay by the previous renter, accident, theft, breakdown, weather conditions, pandemics, strikes or any other situation that can compromise the delivery of the vehicle previously reserved, it is not possible to perform the Vehicle delivery on the stipulated date or time, the Rental Firm can:
15.1 Provide the Hirer a similar category or model – The Vehicle brand, year of edition, design or color may vary; or
15.2 Inform the Hirer of unavailability of the Vehicle and provide the Hirer with the full refund of the amount paid, in which case to the maximum extent permitted by law no other or additional compensation is payable by the Rental Firm.
16. Personal Property Securities Act
16.1 In these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions:
a) PPSA means, as as applicable, the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) in Australia, or the Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (NZ) in New Zealand, and its associated regulations as amended from time to time; and
b) for the purpose of this clause, terms used in this clause have the same meaning as contained in the PPSA
16.2 f the Rental Firm determines that the Rental Agreement is or contains a security interest for the purposes of the PPSA, the Hirer must, at its cost and immediately upon the Rental Firm’s request:
a) do all things reasonably required (including execution of documents) to ensure the Rental Firm has an enforceable, continuously perfected security interest (as defined in the PPSA and irrespective of whether there may be monies or other obligations owing by the Hirer at any particular time) created in the Vehicle pursuant to the Rental Agreement. This includes, but is not limited to: i) providing details of any item of collateral sufficient to complete registration of the security interest in accordance with the requirements of the PPSA; ii) enabling the Rental Firm to apply for registration of or give any notification in relation to the security interest; and iii) enabling the Rental Firm to exercise rights in relation to the security interest; and
b) procure from any person considered by the Rental Firm to be relevant to its security position, such agreements and waivers as the Rental Firm may at any time require to ensure the Rental Firm attains the highest ranking security possible in respect of the security interest.
16.3 In circumstances where this Rental Agreement constitutes a PPS Lease (in Australia) or a Security Agreement (in New Zealand), the Hirer acknowledges that it is the grantor and the Rental Firm the secured party holder of a Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI) by virtue of the Rental Agreement and the PPSA.
16.4 The Hirer must not, except with the Rental Firm’s express written consent, allow to be, or be liable to become, perfected or attached in favour of any person, a security interest in the Vehicle, and whether to a provider of new value or otherwise.
16.5 Where permitted by the PPSA (in Australia), the Hirer waives any right to receive the notifications, verifications, disclosures or other documentation specified under sections 95, 118, 121(4), 130, 132(3)(d), 132(4), 135 and 157 of the PPSA.
16.6 Where permitted by the PPSA (in New Zealand), the Hirer waives any right to receive a copy of any verification statement under section 148 of the PPSA and agrees, to the extent permitted by law (including under section 107 (permitted contracting out) of the PPSA), and in respect of any arrangement between the Rental Firm and the Hirer, the Hirer shall have no rights under or by reference to sections 114(1)(a), 116, 120(2), 121, 125 to 127, 129, or 131 to 134 of the PPSA.
16.7 The Rental Firm and the Hirer agree to contract out of and nothing in the provisions of sections 96, 125, 129, 142 and 143 of the PPSA (in Australia) shall apply to the Rental Agreement.
16.8 To the extent permitted by the PPSA: a) the provisions of Chapter 4 of the PPSA (in Australia) or Part 9 of the PPSA (in New Zealand) which are for the benefit of the Hirer or which place obligations on the Rental Firm will apply only to the extent that they are mandatory or the Rental Firm agrees to the application in writing; b) where the rental Agreement has rights in addition to those in Chapter 4 of the PPSA (in Australia) or Part 9 of the PPSA (in New Zealand), those rights will continue to apply.
16.9 For the purposes of section 275(6) of the PPSA (in Australia), the Rental Firm and the Hirer agree and undertake that the Rental Agreement and any information pertaining to the rental of the Vehicle and details of the Vehicle shall be kept confidential at all times. Neither party may disclose any information pertaining to the Rental Agreement or the rental of the Vehicle, except as required by law or that is already in the public domain.
16.10 The Hirer hereby consents and appoints the Rental Firm to be an interested person and the Hirer’s authorised representative for the purposes of section 275(9) of the PPSA (in Australia).
16.11 The Rental Firm may allocate amounts received from the Hirer in any manner the Rental Firm determines, including in any manner required to preserve the PMSI it has in the Vehicle.
16.12 If (in New Zealand) the Rental Firm does not have a security interest registered on the New Zealand Personal Property Securities Register in the Vehicle within 10 working days of the Hirer taking possession of the Vehicle, the Rental Period (including any option to renew to extend, or the aggregate of consecutive Rental Periods during which the Hirer may have substantially uninterrupted possession) shall, notwithstanding anything else in the Rental Agreement, be the lesser of the following (without any ability to renew or extend the rental period); a) the specified Rental Period; and b) one year only (being one day short of the applicable threshold for a lease for a term under the PPSA).
17. Severability.
If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, contrary to public policy, void or unenforceable, all remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
18. Governing law and jurisdiction
18.1 The Rental Agreement and these Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions are governed by, and are to be construed in all respects with, the laws of Portugal.
18.2 The Rental Firm and the Hirer submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Lisbon, Portugal.
19. Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy
Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy Effective Date: 29.01.2024 This cancellation policy ("Policy") governs the cancellation and refund procedures for reservations made with the Indie Campers Group ("Company") rental fleet in all countries and locations where the Group Operate. By making a reservation with the Company, the traveler agrees to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this article.
19.1. 1. Applicability: This Policy shall apply to all reservations made after the deployment of the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation policy 29th of January 2024 forward. Existing reservations made until the 28th of January 2024 shall continue to be subject to the cancellation and refund conditions set forth by the “Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy”, described in number 19.7
19.2 Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions:
19.2.1 First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
In the event of a cancellation more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be entitled to a full refund of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value. During this stage if additional services or days are added by the traveller, full payment for the increased booking value is required immediately. Traveller also understand that the if the traveller already paid partially the booking the traveller will be requested a 2nd payment 30 days before the pick-up date to close the accounts of that booking If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage
19.2.2 Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
Reservations made with less the 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment. If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.
19.2.3 Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:
For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.
19.2.4 Fourth Stage: Same-day cancellation:
In the event of a cancellation on the same day as the scheduled pick-up date, travellers shall not be entitled to receive any refund.
19.3 Payment and Refund Considerations:
The cancellation policy is integrated with the flexible payment options Indie Campers provided to the travellers making a reservation for a road trip. Indie Campers Group cancellation policies are designed to seamlessly integrate with our flexible payment options, ensuring a hassle-free experience for travellers who reserve a road trip with Indie Campers. When creating a reservation associated with the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, travellers have the right to parcel their payments. The initial payment amounts to 50% of the booking value, while the remaining balance can be settled through a second payment, due 30 days prior to the pick-up date. Alternatively, travellers may choose to pay the full amount of the booking at the time of reservation. Please note that for all reservations made under the Indie Fleet Flexible Cancellation, within 30 days of the selected pick-up date, the total reservation value must be paid upon reservation. For reservations made with partial payment, the completion of the second payment is essential to ensure the reservation's validity. Failure to fulfil the second payment will result in automatic cancellation of the reservation, without any entitlement to a refund In the event that additional services are added to the reservation or modifications are made that increase the booking value, the corresponding additional payment must be made immediately upon request. This ensures the effective inclusion of the requested services within the scope of the reservation. Conversely, if additional services are added or modifications are made resulting in a decreased booking value, the refundable amount in the case of cancellation within 30 days and 1 day before the pick-up date will be proportionately adjusted. Whenever the entitled is entitled to a refund, Indie Campers shall process a transfer of the amounts to the travellers account within 5-10 business days.
19.4 Applicability to Rental Reservation:
This new cancellation policy is solely applicable to reservation involving Rental Business of Indie Campers Fleet. Reservation involving third-party vehicles shall not undergo any changes to their existing cancellation policies at this time
19.5 Refund Calculation Steps Explained.
As part of our commitment to providing a seamless and flexible experience for our valued travelers, we have established a refund calculation policy that applies to reservation changes and cancellations.
Increased Booking Value: If additional services or days are added to your booking, resulting in an increased booking value, travellers are required to make full payment for the additional cost immediately when contacting our Customer Experience team. This step ensures the validity of the reservation.
Cancellation Before 30 Days: Should a traveller decide to cancel their reservation before the 30-day mark, they will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid so far, excluding any process handling fees.
Failure to Complete Second Payment: In the event that the second payment is not made after all attempts, the amount paid upfront shall be forfeited, and no refund will be issued. Consequently, the booking will be cancelled.
Cancellation After Second Payment: If a traveller has made the second payment and subsequently decides to cancel the reservation, the refund amount will be determined based on the terms and conditions of the cancellation policy.
Decreased Booking Value: Should any extras or days be decreased from the booking, resulting in a decreased booking value, the Company will not issue a refund for these changes.
Refund Processing Fee: In certain cases, a process handling fee may apply to cover administrative costs. The amount of this fee will be clearly outlined at the time of cancellation.
19.6 Changes to the policy Please note that this Policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Company. It is the traveller responsibility to review the most recent version of this Policy available on our website or to contact our customer service for any updates. If the traveller requires further clarification or have any questions concerning our cancellation policy, we recommend reading the article on the help center or contacting our customer service team for guidance. By making a booking with the Company, the Traveller acknowledges that have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.
19.7 Indie Fleet Super Flexible Cancellation Policy conditions: Applicable to reservations until 28/01/2024 Indie Campers' fleet has the Super Flexible cancellation policy applied to all its bookings: Super Flexible Cancellation Policy: The Hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation 17 or more days prior to the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller will be reimbursed the whole amount you paid until the date. Please keep in mind that both options are only available if the traveller akready paid the full amount of the booking value. The hirer agrees that if it cancels the reservation with less than 17 days and more than 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, traveller will be refunded 50% of the booking value, or the travelleryou will be refunded with a voucher of the full amount of your booking value deducting a cancellation fee (15 % of booking value). For cancelations made within 72 hours prior to the scheduled check-in date, you will not be entitled to receive any refund or travel voucher Voucher Refunds: Effective immediately upon the deployment of the new Flexible Cancellation Policy, the option of receiving a refund in the form of a "voucher" shall no longer be available for new reservation assigned to this policy
19.8 Partially Refundable Cancellation Policy
19.8.1 Customers are entitled to a 5% refund of the booking amount if the cancellation is made more than one day prior to the scheduled pick-up date. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made on the same day as the pick-up date.
19.8.2. Booking Payment Options
First Stage: Cancellation more than 30 days to the scheduled pick-up date:
For reservations made more than 30 days before the pick-up date, a payment of 50% of the total booking amount is required at the time of booking. The remaining 50% will be charged 30 days before the pick-up date.
If the second payment fails, the booking will be automatically cancelled after 3 days of failed attempts. Please note that if the full booking value has not been paid by the time of the second payment failure, the traveller will not be entitled to a refund, and the customer will not be considered as being in the Second Stage
If the reservation is cancelled more than 30 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of the total (100%) booking value paid until that date.
Second Stage: Cancellation between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date:
Reservations made with less than 30 days to the pick-up date must be paid 100% in the first payment.
If the reservation is cancelled between 30 and 8 days before the scheduled pick-up date, the traveller shall be eligible for a refund of 50% of the total amount paid until that date, calculated based on the existing booking value that includes the value of any services that were added or subcontracted during that period.
Third Stage: Cancellation between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date:
For cancellations made between 7 and 1 day before the scheduled pick-up date, a refund of 5% of the total amount paid until that date shall be granted, calculated based on the existing booking value.
17.8.3. Specific-City Cancelation Policies
Group A Cities (Lisbon, Madrid, Naples, Dublin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Marseille, Oslo, Anchorage, San Francisco, Orlando): All bookings in these cities require 100% payment upfront, regardless of the cancellation policy.
Group B Cities (Barcelona, Rome FCO, Catania, Stuttgart, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Stockholm, Bergen, Denver, Chicago, Auckland, Melbourne): All bookings in these cities will have both policies active, with the Partially Refundable Policy requiring a mandatory 100% payment upfront. The Flexible Policy will follow standard payment options as outlined.
Group C (Bilbao, Florence, Olbia, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Brussels Zaventem, Toulouse, Geneva, Helsinki, Seattle, New York, Miami, Brisbane): These cities apply the Partially Refundable Policy and the Flexible Policy with standard payment options as detailed in section 19.1.
Other Cities: Cities not included in Groups A, B, or C will default to the Flexible Policy, described under article 19.1, which is offered free of charge.
19.8.4 Flexible Policy Pricing
The price for the Flexible Policy is determined based on the booking's proximity to the pick-up date, with the policy becoming less expensive as the pick-up date approaches.
1.1. These Terms & Conditions for Vehicle Reservation and Future Purchase (“T&C”) (except where varied by an express agreement between the Parties which is recorded in writing and signed by an authorised representative of the Seller) shall constitute the entire contract between the Parties.
1.2. The Buyer accepts the T&C as binding at the time he places his order through the Platform.
2.1 The Seller. It is the company belonging to the Indie Campers group registered in the Country where the selected vehicle is (“Indie Campers”), and which operates through the Platform https://indiecampers.com (“Platform”)
2.2 The Buyer. For the purposes of these T&C, is the person who places an order through the Platform (hereinafter, the "Buyer")
2.3 The Parties. Indie Campers and the Buyer will be collectively referred to as the “ Parties” and, individually, each of them as the “Party”.
3.1 All notifications pursuant to this T&C shall be effective on their receipt date or, if after close of business, on the business day after
3.2 All notifications and communications between the Parties in connection with the T&C must be made in writing.
The Order on the Platform
4.1. The Vehicle. The object of the T&C will be a used vehicle belonging to a predefined category listed in the Platform (hereinafter, the “Vehicle”).
4.2 By means of these T&C, the Buyer will search on the Seller listed fleet for one or several Vehicles which are available for sale in the Platform and which correspond to the characteristics that the Buyer desires.
4.3 If there is a Vehicle which matches the Buyer's wishes, the Seller will reserve the Vehicle through the Platform and the Buyer will be given a call option, that gives the right, not the obligation, to exercise the call and buy the Vehicle at a specified price within a specific time period through the signature of a Sales Contract , under the terms of these T&C.
5.1. At the time of the reservation of the Vehicle, the Buyer shall make a payment of € 999.00 (nine hundred and ninety-nine euros), or the equivalent amount in the country currency, on the Platform in order to confirm the reservation.
5.2. With the exemption provided for in the next paragraph, the amount referred to in the previous number shall be deducted from the Final Price.
5.3. The amount referred to in 5.1 will be refunded if at the time of selecting the Vehicle there are no Vehicles with the characteristics requested by the Buyer.
5.4. The amount referred to in 5.1 can be refunded at any time until the selection of the Vehicle and the signature of the Sales Contract.
5.5. After the signature of the Sales Contract, the amount referred to in 5.1 is not refunded if the Buyer gives up the purchase of the Vehicle, unless there is a proven mechanical issue or other reason stated in the T&Cs.
6.1. In the last quarter of each year, the Seller will notify the Buyer that the Vehicle with the characteristics selected and reserved is available for selection, confirmation of purchase and, after that, proceed to the signature of the Sales Contract.
6.2. The Buyer may select from the range of Vehicles provided in the Seller list, with specific chassis within the characteristics previously agreed between Buyer and Seller (hereinafter the “Selection Visit”), in the last quarter of the year, on a day, time and location stipulated by the Seller and agreed by the Buyer.
6.3. The Buyer will be provided with a list of Vehicles available where he can choose on a first-come, first-served basis. If the Buyer chooses a vehicle that has already been chosen the Seller will present the remaining vehicle options.
6.4. In the Selection Visit, if the Buyer does not select any specific Vehicle, he forfeits the reserve and the existing call option and is entitled to a full refund of the amount referred to in 5.1.
6.5. If on the day of pick up of the Vehicle chosen the Buyer does not take the Vehicle, the Buyer loses the right to the reimbursement referred to in 5.1, unless at that moment the Vehicle selected is not present.
6.6. For all due purposes, the Buyer acknowledges that the Vehicles are used, with all the periodic brand maintenance done and used in the rental business of the Seller.
7.1. The Vehicle purchase price includes VAT, if and as applicable, pursuant to the relevant tax laws and regulations (hereinafter the “Price”).
7.2. Starting on the day of pick-up of the Vehicle, the Buyer has a 14 days return policy where the Buyer is refunded for the full Price of the Vehicle paid, if he wishes to return the Vehicle
8.1 At the time of placing the order in the Platform, the Buyer may pay by electronic payment via credit or debit card through the systems indicated, at all times, on the Platform. It might be required to perform a verification step with the card issuer during the Checkout process. It is also possible, depending on the country of purchase, to contract financing with the financial institution through the Platform to finance the Vehicle (see Clause 9 on financing).
8.2 Payments by credit or debit card are governed by the terms and conditions of the credit or debit card issuers. It is the Buyer responsibility to read the terms and conditions relating to these means of payment and ensure that they are understood and accepted.
8.3 Likewise, the Seller also accepts Payment by bank transfer through the payment platform available on the Platform.
9.1 The Buyer can pay for the Vehicle with financing, through the Seller’s Financing Partner or any company in its group and its service providers related to the request and execution of the Vehicle financing process (hereinafter, the “ Financial Entity ”) .
9.2 If the Buyer decides to request financing for his Vehicle, the Buyer may do so at the appropriate time through the Seller’s website, which will redirect them to the website and/or digital platform of the Financial Entity (whose operations are independent of the Seller). The response that the Financial Entity gives on the Web is only representative, it is not contractually binding for the Financial Entity, for the Seller or for the Buyer. The Seller is not responsible for the processing, management or authorisation of the financing process of the Vehicle, being the exclusive responsibility of the Financial Entity.
9.3 The financing agreement will be subject to a separate contract between the Buyer and the Financial Entity. The Seller assumes no responsibility in this regard.
9.4 The provisions of this section, relating to the financing of the Vehicle by the Financial Entity, shall not affect any other provision of the T&C relating to a different matter
10.1 The Collection of the Vehicle (hereinafter, the " Collection ") will be arranged with the Buyer on the day of Selection of the Vehicle and signature of the Sales Contract.
10.2. The Vehicle shall only be collected after the signature of all the necessary documentation for this purpose as well as after confirmation of the full payment of the Price.
10.3. If there is an agreement between the Parties, the collection of the Vehicle may be made at a later time than the one referred to in this clause 10.
10.4 In order for the Buyer to pick up the Vehicle, the Buyer needs to be accompanied by the proof of registration and the license plate plaques (a temporary registration is sufficient) plus proof of insurance.
11.1. The Vehicle is covered by a warranty for the minimum period applicable by law in each of the Seller’s Country applicable legislation, that can be found under this link: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/PT/NIM/?uri=CELEX:32019L0771 - in the specfic country tab.
11.2. The warranty will be provided by an entity appointed by Indie Campers
11.3 The Buyer will also benefit from the after-sale assistance for the period stipulated on the country legislation in adequate market conditions.
12 .1 At the time of Collection the Seller will proceed with a full inspection and recondition of the Vehicle before collection.
12.2 When collecting the Vehicle, the Buyer declares to be aware of the Vehicle's current conservation status (without any structural or mechanical problem or flaw).
12.3 Although the Seller will check the vehicles beforehand; the Seller cannot be held responsible for any undetectable mechanical problems.
13.1. The Parties agree that until all the necessary documentation is signed, as well as the delivery of proof of the effective full payment of the Price, the ownership of the Vehicle belongs to the Seller.
13.2. After the acts referred to in 13.1 have been performed, the Buyer can proceed with the registration of the Vehicle on his name. The Buyer needs to bring this proof of registration and licence plate in order to pick up the Vehicle.
13.3. Once ownership of the Vehicle passes to the Buyer the liability shall be borne by the Buyer.
14.1. The Seller grants to the Buyer a money-back guarantee ("14-Day Money-Back Guarantee") from the collection date of the Vehicle for a period up to 14 days after ("14-Day Money Back Guarantee Period").
14.2. During the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee Period, the Buyer can request a cancellation of the order and return the Vehicle on the the location of pick up, provided that the Buyer has neither damaged the car nor driven more than 500 kilometres with it during the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee period. If the Buyer damages the car or drives it more than 500 kilometres, the Seller can decide at its own discretion whether the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee is still granted and, if necessary,the Seller can refuse to receive the Vehicle. In order to benefit from the 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee, the Buyer must communicate the decision to return the Vehicle in the 14 days period and agree on a delivery day that needs to be between the 14-Day Money Back Guarantee Period (“Delivery Appointment” (unless agreed by both Parties by written). In the Delivery Appointment the Vehicle will be checked for damages and the kilometres and the adjustments to the Price will be made.
14.3. If all the criteria are verified, the Seller will refund the purchase price, that is no longer refundable after the contract has been signed, as stated in the order, as soon as the Seller receives the Vehicle, and the car registration documents from the Buyer, together with all the documentation necessary to transfer the ownership of the Vehicle back to the Seller.
14.4. If the car has been driven more than 500 kilometres or damaged and the Seller still accepts the return of the car, the Seller will make the following deductions from the purchase price:
14.4.1. The actual depreciation due to the additional kilometres; and
14.4.2. The cost of repairing the damage caused to the car during the 14 day money back guarantee period.
14.5. If the Buyer will not be present on the Delivery Appointment to apply for the 14 day money back guarantee, the Seller assumes that the Vehicle will not be returned and the process is cancelled.
15.1. If any Clause of this T&C is held to be illegal, invalid or enforceable, in whole or in part, such Clause shall apply with the elimination or modification that is necessary for it to be considered legal, valid and enforceable and to substantiate the economic and commercial intent of the Parties.
15.2. The non-exercise, or the late or partial exercise, of a right which is granted to either Party under this T&C shall not imply the waiver of that right nor prevent its subsequent exercise.
15.3. Any amendment or addition to this T&C shall only be valid if it is contained in a written document signed by all the Parties.
For the purposes of the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data and services of the information society and electronic commerce, the personal data, both those provided for the formalisation of this contract and those collected during the term of the object of this T&C, will be incorporated according with the privacy policy present in the platform
17.1. This T&C and all its provisions shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the Portuguese Law
17.2. Any dispute arising between the Parties about the interpretation or execution of the T&C shall be submitted to the competent Court.